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Joe's POV still

I woke up at 8 this morning and jumped out of bed and changed into my usual work out attire of a tank top and sweat pants and headed downstairs to get my much needed work out in, as I pushed my body like always to the sounds of Ozzy Osbourne and Metallica. I noticed a few of the other young superstars down here in the hotel's gym and greeted them accordingly, as I went through my reps of squats and felt the familiar burn in my legs I craved when working out. After this I was going to shower and then hopefully Esme would be awake and up to sight seeing for a few hours; I knew from experience she was not a morning person and usually didn't get up until ten, she'd given me an earful a few days before when I'd called her at 8 a.m. I saw Phil and his girlfriend Kylie walk past the gym to head to the indoor pool and was surprised to see Ms. Sleepyhead herself walk into gym, dressed in some sexy ass sweat pants that hugged her round behind, a matching tank top on over a sports bra of the same color and her hair in her usual messy bun. She was wearing glasses which told me she wasn't awake enough to put her contacts in and as she got onto the only empty treadmill in the room, she stuffed headphones in her ears and started a slow pace of walking and worked up to a run that made me about shit a brick. She had obviously been an athlete in high school and track had to have been one of her sports because she had the flawless look of someone who did this effortlessly. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I finished my squats, and looked up to see Colby, who had a look on his face that told me he'd noticed me staring at her.

"Man she can run can't she, it's like she barely even puts effort into it at all. If I ran like that I'd be dead in less than a mile, and I can see from here she is already at 3, good Lord," Colby exclaimed as he took my spot on the machine and I walked over to the leg press to continue my leg exercises.

"She looks like it's second nature, and I hear you Colb, I'd die if I ran like that myself," I told him as I wondered how the hell she was doing it.

John Cena must have heard the conversation from his spot at the bench press and stopped as he looked at us and wiped his face. "She ran track all through high school, even had a scholarship to Georgia Tech because of it, which is were she went to school when she graduated high school and got her associates in Kinesiology. She had thought about being a fitness instructor, but the pull of the ring got the better of her, and FCW called her name two years before it called yours junior."

"Look John I'm not here to step on your toes and I'm so sorry that the girl you're in love with isn't interested anymore, but thanks for the information. I'm not trying to keep her from being your friend or anything, but at least give us a chance before you butt in and screw it up for us," I told him as he looked at me and gave me a look that would've killed normal men.

I finished with my legs and went to the sauna to finish burning up and to get the hell away from John, because seriously I was ready to wrap my hands around his neck and choke him. I understood he'd been a part of Esmeralda's life for over 5 years now, she had told me before he had been her mentor since day one in the WWE, but give me a break. I'm part of the SHIELD yes I know, and I come off like a major asshole on TV, but that was just the part I played. In reality, I'm just a normal guy who figured out football was not my calling even after being drafted to the NFL, and the pull of the business I had watched my dad make a part of his life, had ultimately become a part of mine.

Esme's POV

I hate that Phil and Kylie can wake up so early and don't know the meaning of being quiet about anything, and I had woken up to the two of them having sex this morning around 8, as I shot glares to Kylie's closed door and sighed. I tried to go back to sleep by putting my headphones in and listening to music but my luck had not been that good, so I'd decided to go for a run downstairs and changed into workout clothes and brushed my teeth. I had been in the middle of putting my hair up into a half assed bun when Kylie had come into the bathroom to clean up and given me a sheepish look, knowing it was her fault I was even awake before 10. I'd put my running shoes on and headed out the door just as the happy couple had come out and decided they'd go swimming since Phil was still trying to strengthen his knee up from his Wrestle Mania injury a few months back.

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