The Waiting Game

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Over the next few days as we travel from San Antonio, to Houston and Beaumont for house shows, I start to get anxious for the following Monday when I'll see Joe, and we can actually sit down and have a decent conversation together. We text often throughout the days, he's supposed to be spending time with his family for a wedding, but instead he gets distracted telling me all about the stupid things all his cousins and uncles are doing to each other. I have to laugh because honestly I don't know what it's like to have a huge family, and to be around complete chaos. My family is my parents, Kylie and the WWE roster. I told him that the other day and he said he was sorry I didn't understand, but at least I considered him an important part of my life because of the business.

Today we were in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for our last house show before Raw on Monday in New Orleans. Saturday shows are always annoying, too many drink people at them, lewd language from the fans, and all around a miserable time. Saturday shows made us money though because they were on the weekend, days when most people had off and could afford to be out late at night. I wasn't set to wrestle tonight, but I still chilled with Kylie and Phil in his locker room, talking about the week and upcoming shows like Elimination Chamber. Phil was still going to be headlining as part of the show, he just wasn't in the main event match, instead Vince McMahon himself had decided to make a match. As CEO I guess he had that right, and now good old Phil had a match against Paul for a shot at being the next number one contender for John's belt.

"So how are things going with you and John, now that Joe is in the picture?" Phil asked all nonchalantly as I looked over at him and shook my head.

"John understands I'm my own person and isn't pushing me to choose him over Joe, which I appreciate. I know he's being cautious because he doesn't want me hurt, but I'm Esmeralda Jackson, not anyone else. I'm the one who has to deal with the broken heart if I get hurt, no one else."

"Sounds to me like you just have this all planned out, but I'm not entirely sure you really do. John is supposed to be your best guy friend next to me, and yet you act as if he has the plague without realizing it. What are you going to do when John walks away and doesn't turn around to help anymore Es?" he questions as I refuse to answer and get up to go for a walk.

"Exactly what I'm doing now Phil, turning around and walking away without a care in the world. I have worked too hard to get where I'm at, I'm not gonna let any man ruin my dreams, you know this," I reminded him as he gave me a crazy look and I walked out to get some air.

As I walked around outside I listened to the music on my phone, hoping it would calm me down like always, and got lost in the lyrics like I always do. I had just bought the new Chris Young album A.M. and was loving it because he is my celebrity crush outside of work, and letting his sultry voice carry me away like always. I saw Joe's teammate Jonathan Good who plays Dean Ambrose on tv playing around with Colby Lopez aka Seth Rollins, as the two of them threw a football around and instantly wished Joe was with them. Joe had played football in college and professionally for the NFL a few years before going on down to Florida Championship Wrestling and the independent circuit of the WWE. I sighed as I watched them, I was sick of being bored out of my mind, so I decided to head back to my bus and watch a movie until I fell asleep and we made it to New Orleans.

On the bus I changed into sweat pants and my usual tank top, grabbed my Dallas Cowboys blanket my mom had made me for Christmas last year, and curled up on the couch to watch The Avengers for the twentieth time probably. I have a hard drive full of movies thanks to my dad the computer nerd, so whenever I'm bored or traveling I just plug it into the smart tv on the bus and watch away to my heart's desire. I wondered if Joe would look good as a super hero or a villain, Marvel should give him a call and let him give it a try, he's got the look.

Joe's Point of View

I couldn't wait to reach Louisiana and Monday night Raw tomorrow, I was halfway there already and my plane was due to land around midnight in New Orleans. I'd had John and Colby book the hotel room early and had everything I needed to check in, I just wanted to see Esme already. She'd sent me a picture through text of her in a tank top and her hair in some messy thing on her head earlier, no makeup on and I thought to myself, damn she's gorgeous then too. She'd laughed when I told her she could pass for Samoan almost with her features, but didn't deny it because like she'd told me before, she really didn't know her ancestry. She had a picture of her birth mom in a folder with her birth certificate at her parents house and only knew her mom had been a blonde and had green eyes like her. I felt bad for her but she seemed to shrug things like that off so easily, as if she had oil on her skin and things made to hurt her just slid off like water. I loved my family, annoying and big as it was and couldn't imagine a life without them in it, and wondered how someone who had no real family at all had turned out so amazing.

I'd told my brother Matthew about Esme though I knew he already knew about her because she was a part of the WWE, and he had told me he'd watched her from the beginning and could see her making it big like John and Randy with her drive. When I'd told him about my interest in her he'd made it his goal to find out everything he could about her, and had been extremely frustrated when he'd come up empty even though I had told him ahead of time she'd been adopted. "How do you know this girl won't just take you and string you along and then start all over again with someone else in the business?" had been his exact words. I believed in her, she seemed like she just wanted to belong and to feel like she had a family, not that she didn't love her adopted parents because whenever she talked about them on the phone to me, she had the sound you only get when talking about people who mean a lot to you. When she talked about the business she had the same tone and I knew she had grown accustomed to being on the road and only went home to Atlanta for holidays, because she felt more at home on the road nowadays.

I looked at my phone and saw her picture there on it smiling back at me, she had me going crazy, I had never really been in love before and wondered if this was how it was supposed to feel. I'd avoided asking my parents because I knew my dad would've given me the usual speech about focusing on my career, and mom would've been ready to marry me off in a heartbeat. Raw had just ended I knew from the time, and I was still about an hour and a half away from my destination and couldn't wait to be in a bed alone and away from the snoring annoyance of my brother and cousins. I knew my cousins Jonathan and Joshua Fatu, the Usos, would be arriving the next morning because their dad Solofa had wanted to spend some more time with them after the wedding. My family thank god was close knit but my dad understood my desire to head out as soon as possible and assumed it was because I was anxious to be back on TV and wrestling, he'd be surprised to find it was because of a certain brunette who was starting to haunt my dreams at night.

We finally landed at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International airport, and I hurried down to baggage claim and grabbed my bags, before hailing a cab to the hotel near the New Orleans Arena. The Hyatt Regency came into view about 30 minutes later and it made me happy to see it because I was exhausted and ready to go to sleep. Jonathan and Colby had already texted me that they were on the road themselves and would be in town in about and hour and a half or so, which put them here around 2 in the morning. It was midnight already and I took a quick shower and changed into basketball shorts and laid down in bed, and smiled when I saw that Esme was on her way as well and couldn't wait to see me tomorrow. Little did she know how eager I was to see her as well, I felt like a teenager in high school going on his first date, I was so nervous. I fell asleep with her in my dreams as she had been as of late, and the music from my phone playing in the background as was the norm.

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