Okay this is Shay.
I apologize if Joe over ther in the previous chapter offended anyone with the whole 'anywhore' thing.
I can honestly say I did not teach him that.
Yes we really do call Joe a Kicked Puppy.
No, we do not actually kick him.
Well maybe sometimes, but he completely deserves it.
I don't know how he wrote so much.
Joe is kinda weird that way.
He just keeps writing, kind of like when he talks.
He doesn't shut up.
Until you hit him
on the head
with a book
made of steel
that ways four tons.
I'm kidding.
About the made of steel part.
Everything else is true.
Unless you are our friend Morgan, but she can get away with anything.
no, anything.
Hahaha I went back up and scrolled down through my sentences with no endings and realized it looked like a poem.
I deserve a round of applause.
Alright that's all I have to say to the world.
Asians, Hispanics, Europeans, WWE Fans, Debate Peeps, You Name It, We Got It.
HumorThis is a collection of thoughts, from a bunch of teenagers who are facing the world for the first time, hopefully you will find the truth in what we say and take the advice we love to give. Don't follow in our footsteps though, they tend to lead to...