Football Players... Enough Said (August 28th, 2013)

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I have a bunch of homework to do....screw it I'll just do it before class. Yeah that will work.

Well I'm bored as hell! Ugh!

Oh I saw lupa! And I joined debate!

My dad said I would do good on it cause I argue too much. 

Let's see, oh I had an epic fail, epic win moment. I was rushing to class and while on the stairs, I triped on my shoelace and flew down a flight of stairs. (That's right, I'm Superman!) Then, I actually landed the fall instead of falling into some guys. It rocked.

Oh and that football player I was talking to was trying to be cool, then flipped out of his chair. I was laughing so hard my face turned red. Then the teacher told him to turn off his naughty music. And I laughed again. And then she's like, "Really turn it off, you're confusing the students with your naughty music. And she's blushing cause I said naughty." she said, pointing at me. That wiped of my smirk pretty fast. It was just because I was laughing!

Then the football player looks at me and says, "Nah she is blushing cause she's sitting by me."

I was annoyed so I glared at him. "No I was laughing at you making an idiot of yourself."

He smirks and is all like, "Don't hide it, you like me."

I smirk. "I can't hide something I don't have." Haha that shut him up. After class his friends come up and are all like, "Playing hard to get?" And I'm like "I'm not playing anything."

Then the football player comes up and is like, "I don't get how you don't like me. All the others do. I'm hot, and see I'm a gentleman." He said letting me through the door first.

Then I turn to him. "Does it hurt that one single girl is fine not clinging to you like her life depends on it??"

He laughed. "Yes, yes it does."

It was a very intresting class. I sit by him every biology class and now in personal finance! 

And get this, his name's Jack! Haha I found that intresting.

Umm life lesson.

Be yourself. Don't let anyone bring you down because for them to want to do that just means you're higher than them. You are you and that's what makes you beautiful or handsome. Not every thing is based on looks. Because when it all gets down to the end, it's your personality that counts. and someone's gonna love you for it.


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