Shay Has Come To Say Goodbye (October 13th, 2013)

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Well all, this is our last good bye.

But have no fear, we will start another journal for the next quarter.

These journals are fun to write.

And I think we all need the time to run down and write about how we feel. 

Speaking of how we feel......

I was robbed today.

My Triskets we stolen out of my locker.

Well out of Mary's locker.

But that's where I leave my lunch.

Oh yeah, that pissed me off.

Oh and Joe, you owe Bubblez that money.

And I want this exchange video taped so we can hold it against you forever.

Wait scratch that you weren't supposed to know about that last part.


Did you forget it?


Moving on.


And that means a lot.

Things have not always been the greatest for me.

Or well any of us for that matter.

But hey, what can you do? My life isn't as bad as some people's.

Alright enough depressing writing.

Time to get down to saying good bye I guess.

Goodbyes aren't always hard.

Sometimes it hurts more to say hello because you know that this person will cause you more harm than help.

And that's the lesson I'm learning right now so here is my trouble learn from it.

If a counselor or parent tells you that no one can hurt you without your permission, they are lying.

And that's me being depressing.

Now onto being bipolar and writing about something happy.

Romeo and Juliet die in the end of their book.

Yes that is a happy thought, my happy mood is back.

Has anyone ever listened to a song and been like "Holy shit this song is so my life!!!"

Well that's great for you.

Unless that song is by Adele or Taylor Swift.

Just kidding, those are two of my favorite artists.

I wish they would stop writing such depressing songs.

Well this is my goodbye but don't worry, I will be back soon with more of my depressing words of wisdom.

Seriously, learn from my life.


P.S. I wrote this over a week so I might have accidently repeated myself

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