Music and Books (July 12th, 2013)

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Shay here.

I like pretty much all music types.

If there is talent behind the singer or musician or band or composer I can find a way to put a good spin on the song.

Of course to have a good song, you need a good writer.

Kinda like books.

You can have an amazing plot but not organize your thoughts so other people can understand them.

Like when you have a great artist, but they sang a song that does nothing for their voice.

Unfortunately, what the artists like to sing and what the record company has the artist sing isn't always the same thing, this is what us Americans call a good old fashioned difference of opinion.

Which is sometimes settled by the famous game of rock paper scissors.

But most of the time it blows up into a way to dramatic fight that can lead to restraining orders or even death.

Because lets face it, you can get into a full of fist fight over the last slice of pizza.

But look at the book world.

It's sad really, the good old book stores are being replaced by websites.

Which is good if the book isn't sold in the country you live in, but it takes away the feeling of getting to buy a book and hold it in your hands and that amazing feeling of turning the pages, of getting closer to the ending.

Does anyone remember being a little kid and going to the book store for the first time?

I do.

I was probably only three years old.

I was with my grandma.

As I walked through the big oak doors, I was instantly surrounded by the feeling of intelligence.

My grandma turned to me and told me to find the children's section and she would follow me.

It isn't hard to find, but as a short kid, I felt like I was in a maze.

And now the same thing is happening with music.

All you have to do is click a mouse.

But wouldn't it be fun to actually go to a music store and see the rows and rows of CDs you could discover an artist, someone you never knew existed.

But soon all of this will be gone because of the over used term of progress.

It's sad really, we are giving up little mom and pop shops for the Internet.

That's all I have to say.

I hope this makes you think.

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