Bring me back to preschool!!! Please!!! (August 16th, 2013)

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Hey there!  

It's Bubblez. 

I just got out of high school....yeah I miss preschool! 

The naps...the toys...not a lot of people. 

I go to Westside and let me tell you, if the bell rings do not, and I mean DO NOT go out by the IMC's! God it's like Chicago the day before a holiday! Or a stampede! I'm sorry but I was scared for my sanity when I wasn't able to get out. I could have died!  

Nah I'm just kidding. 

About the dying part...everything else is true. 

So first day of school!  

I got lost... For every class... 

Sorry but the damn school's huge! And I'm not Dora the Explorer and I'd question my sanity if the map I had talked and actually helped for a change! 

The map sucked... well... okay maybe I had it upside down... 

Don't judge, the thing was like trying to decipher hieroglyphics! 

Anyways... I got a new nickname...Santa.

Here is how I got it:

I walk up to homeroom teacher. "Hi you must be Sabrina!" "No I'm Santa Clause..." Long story short she calls me Santa and so does a guy in my homeroom who talks a lot to me. 

My math teacher also calls me that sometimes. Mr. Greco. Yeah I call him Gieco. Another interesting conversation here... "Heya Gieco!" "Hello Santa you ready for Algebra!" "No I'm just here for the cookies!" I walk past him to see whole class staring at me. I look at them "Hohoho..." I yell.  

That was an interesting class. 

Oh we can't forget the topic of the kid who covered his math book with a playboy magazine...  

He was very popular with the boys...what has the world come to! 

Anyways hmmm not much else happened... A guy asked to call me BriBri I didn't know why so I said yes...and I talked to a football player for awhile. He commented on a dragon I was drawing and asked if I could draw him... 

Yeah, what a wonderful day!

Oh life lesson!  

Stay in school kids! 

And listen I your teacher or else you'll be hopelessly lost and fail then not graduate.

Then become a hobo and live in a box eating bugs and drinking rain water.

Stay in school... 


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