Breaking In

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    I grin as we stare up at the mansion before us. "Uh... are you sure about this? Is it too late to back out?" I glance over at Abby and snort. "Aw, come on, Abby. This place'll be SO much fun to break into. You were the one who suggested it in the first place! We don't even have to steal anything, even though I'm sure Brucey Boy has enough valuables in there for all of Gotham." Abby bit her lip and sighed. "Well, I mean... as long as we don't steal anything. Alright, let's go." I jump up and fistpump. "Alrighty then! Let's get this show on the road, yeah?" I pull up the hood of my black sweater and run across the street, making sure to stay in the blind spots of any cameras. Abby follows me, the hood of her ever-present cloak pulled up. I make it to the gate and slip between the curled decorative metal, glancing around at the plush garden. Jeez, how much money does Wayne have? I mean seriously. We run up the driveway and circle the house, looking for any entrances.

   One room, way up high, has a window open. Being the badass that I am, I climb the side of the wall, using vines and cracks in the wood to boost myself up. I make it to the window and let a rope down, allowing Abby to climb up. 

   "Huh. Looks like this is Bruce's bedroom." I wander around as Abby pulls herself through the window, huffing. Hesitantly, I pick up a pearl necklace. It's slightly broken, but still beautiful..... I hear Abby clear her throat behind me, and set it down with a groan. Right. No stealing. Dammit. Abby wanders around the bedroom as I go to the door and peer out into the hallway. It's dead quiet. I guess Brucey boy is out partying or something. I walk out into the hallway and look over the stairwell. "Yo, Abby! You wanna come take a look? It doesn't seem like anyone is here!" Abby's slightly muffled voice floats back to me out of the bedroom. "Nah, I'm gonna stay in here a while longer. You go ahead." Hm, whatever. Her loss. I walk downstairs and walk around for about an hour. I open all the doors, explore all the rooms. Finally, Abby comes downstairs. "Alright, well... I'm kinda tired. Can we leave now?" 

   I grin at her. "Yeah, sure. I think banks are more fun to break into. Lots more security. This place has practically no security at all! Watch, I bet we can just waltz out the front door and go home."

 That's exactly what we did. 

   Leaving the front doors wide open, we just strolled off the Wayne property. Jeezus. What an arrogant prick. Just leaving his mansion with no security? Maybe he'l learn a lesson about it from this. I just wish I could've taken some stuff. I mean, he's got enough stuff to spare!


I flick through the channels, looking for something interesting to watch. Finally, I settle on the news. "Blah blah blah, Joker, Harley, blah blah, bomb, Bruce Wayne..... Wait, Bruce Wayne?" I sit up straight, staring at the ruins of Bruce Wayne's bedroom. The walls are blown apart, the insides blackened. Apparently, the bombing happened last night, at around one AM.

Abby and I had left at about twelve, and Abby had spent an awful long time in that same room...... I purse my lips. "ABBY!" Yawning, Abby emerges from the kitchen. "Yeah? What is it?" I stand and glare at her, pointing to the TV. "Did you plant a bomb in Bruce's bedroom?" Abby stops mid-yawn. "Uhhh...... yes?"

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