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It took FOREVER for the Police to get to me. I mean seriously, If this had something to do with Joker, He would be able to escape or even set traps easily before they got here.I heard footsteps and shouting, then someone put two fingers on my neck to check for a pulse. I guess they got nothing, because they drew back and sighed. That's when it hit me. I was DEAD. I can't be dead! I still need to get my dream job and have my first kiss! I'm only SIXTEEN!!! I am not allowed to be dead yet. Wake up, body! "This girl's dead! it looks like she got crushed by this shelf." Someone shouted next to me. Geez, lower the volume! "These two scientists are dead too. they were run through with.... are those plants?" A voice replied. They investigated the scene a little longer, then I was lifted and put on a stretcher or something. Dangit Ivy, why did you close my eyes?

They put me in a car, I could tell that much, because I could hear the engine and feel it moving. Then they carried me into what I'm going to assume is a morgue, because the air suddenly got much colder. It was reaallllyyyyy boring. But on the upside, I was identified as... well, me. Fauna Wulf ( I changed my surname after my parents died ). My funeral was supposed to be tommorow, on Tuesday. Three days after I turn Sixteen and my funeral is being held. Joy. The problem with being dead is that you can't do anything. You can hear things, feel things, even see things if your eyes are open, but you can't move or anything. I'm not even a ghost. I can't poltergiest anything! Ugh. I was counting on doing that when I died. Anyway, i can just sit here.For hours.In the dark. Can't even sleep. Suddenly I was moving again. I felt somebody lift me up, then set me down in something soft. " Poor girl...." Someone murmured. I Do not need pity, thanks. I need a miracle.

They drove me to what I'm assuming is the church, where my small circle of friends were crying. They were the only ones here. I know from experience what they'll do. They will set me in a seperate room with my coffin open, let everyone pay their respects, and then they will close the coffin and go into another room, where they will say my eulogy.Then they will carry my coffin to the cemetery behind the church and bury me. Then Everyone will leave and go about their normal lives, gradually forgetting me. I wonder if Ivy is here. Last I heard, the police had no idea where she was. The first part of the funeral goes just as I expected- my friends come and pay their respects, some crying, some sounding close to tears. I feel the coffin shudder and hear it snap shut, the top just brushing my nose. I hear everyone shuffle out of this room and into the next. And then I hear something strange. A heartbeat. My heartbeat. My back arches as I gulp in air, and my eyes snap open. How exactly did I not miss breathing? I push the coffin open, sit up, and start coughing and panting, enjoying the sensations flowing around me. I climb out of the coffin... well, more like fall out. The I turn and close it. I needed a miracle and I got one. I grin. I'm alive! Yes! My friends will be so happy! I start walking to the door to the next room, but then I stop. what will they think? They'll think I'm a zombie. The goverment would probably get involved and then where would I be? In a cage, being experimented on. I do NOT want that. I again hear footsteps, but heading in my direction. I panicked. I ran through the entrance of the cemetery, weaving between gravestones until I came to my own. It cheered me up slightly. I always told my friends what I wanted on my gravestone if I ever died- jokingly, of course. But they actually put it on there. My headstone read: " Crazy people don't know they are crazy. I know I am crazy, therefore I am not crazy. Isn't that crazy? -Captain Jack Sparrow." Favorite. Quote. Ever. My grave was a little ways from the rest, In a circle of trees with a small stream running through it. It was just inside church land, and required a small walk through the woods on a game trail. I heard footsteps again, and I whipped around, looking for a place to hide. I ended up scrambling up a willow tree that bent over my grave. The leaves covered me completely, and I watched as two men appeared carrying my coffin. It was a nice coffin. Completely white with an ice blue interior.

They lowered the coffin into the ground and the priest said something I couldn't hear, then they buried it. And then they left. When I was sure they were gone I got down and stared at the freshly churned mound of earth. They just buried an empty coffin, but that was it. I was dead to them. Gone. Technically, I was also dead to the world. That was it. I felt numb. But, this was a opportunity. I could be whoever I wanted to be. I glanced at my reflection in the stream and almost screamed. My brown hair was turning white, only a couple of strands of brown left. As I watched,my hair turned completely white, fading into black at the end. My eyes were now ice blue, with dark eyeliner, the same as I wore when I died (I always wore a LOT of eyeliner, almost to the point of raccoon eyes. What? It looked good on me). Except this eyeliner seemed to be permanent. I rubbed it furiously. It didn't smudge, didn't disappear. It felt like skin. Same with the strange markings that appeared on my arms, thick black lines in a fishnet pattern that started beneath my elbow and ended at my wrist in a bold bracelet-like band. Also, I had ears. No, not human ears. Wolf ears. White ones that faded to black at the tips. I yelped and suddenly I was on all fours. I looked down at my feet- paws. White paws. I looked in the stream again. A White wolf looked back at me. It had ears fading to black and front legs with the same markings as my arms. It's eyes also had the same markings. The tail faded to black as well, and the back paws were jet-black and the white legs faded into them. My feet weren't like that, thankfully. I moved. The wolf moved. I blinked. The wolf blinked. It suddenly dawned on me. That wolf was me. I closed my eyes and thought about my human self and when I opened them, I was in a completely different outfit. Before I was in a sky blue high-low dress and my brown knee-high boots. I still had my boots, but I was now in ripped skinny jeans, a Navy blue shirt, and The Fourth Doctors hat, scarf, and armwarmers ( pic on the side of hat, armwarmers, and scarf. Pay no attention to person wearing them). It effectively covered my arm markings and ears. My eye markings could be passed off as eyeliner. After I got over the fact I could shift into a wolf, I began to think I had played the good girl for sixteen years, and look where it got me. Besides, I'd always wanted to be more than ordinary. Also, I was already insane. I would always look at a place and create a plan to rob it, or trap it, or even blow it up. I always had the urge to do it. I had also been very into magic tricks before I died. I had become quite the magician if I do say so myself. I could rob a bank easily. Yes, I was done with being the good girl. It was time to be Bad.

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