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(most of the time it will be in Fauna's POV so unless it says otherwise, assume it's her POV)

I sigh and look at my watch. 11:45. Would they even come? I snuck into arkham and planted that note in Selina's mashed potatoes but she might not come. It's always a possibility. I glance at my grave. I haven't come here since my funeral. Grass now covers the place my empty coffin resides. 11:59. Why aren't they here yet? They could be late, had trouble breaking out of arkham...... 12:10. I guess they aren't coming. I release all my pent up breath and decide that I need to calm down, because I'm still nervous. So I do what I do everytime I need to get rid of an emotion. I sing. And I smile as the perfect song comes to mind. I have the right setting and situation for it. (Wine Red by The Hush Sound) 

Who shot that arrow in your throat, Who missed the crimson apple? It hung heavy on the tree above your head...... This chaos, this calamity, this garden once was perfect, Give your immortality to me, I'll set you up against the stars.

Gloria, We lied, we can't go on. This is the time and this is the place to be, Alive

Who shot that arrow in your throat, who missed the crimson apple? And there is discord in the garden, tonight......

The sea is wine red, this is the death of beauty........ The doves have died, the lovers have liiiiied

I cut the arrow from your neck, stretched you beneath the tree, among the roots and baby's breath, I covered us with silver leaves.

Gloria, we lied, we can't go on, this is the time and this is the place to be, Alive

The sea is wine red, this is the death of beauty......... The doves have died, the lovers have liiiied

The sea is wine red, this is the death of beauty........... The doves have died, the lovers have liiiiied

The sea is wine red, this is the death of beauty......... The doves have died, the lovers have liiiiiiied

This is the time and place.

After finishing my song, I heard footsteps shuffling towards me, about four pairs. Were they coming after all? I looked at my watch. 12:20. geez. Late much? I turn to look at my grave one last time before scrambling up the willow tree. I need to scout out who's here before I do anything else. The owners of the footsteps come into the clearing, And I see: Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Riddler, and...... Ivy? I knew that there was a villain named Poison Ivy but I didn't think it would be my sister. I wonder how she got this way. They all walk into the clearing and stop at my grave. Ivy stares at it and says " Why did we have to meet here of all places? Why couldn't it have been somewhere else?" Her voice sounds strange, like she's holding back tears. " Why does it matter, Red? It's just some kid's grave!" Catwoman replies. " Don't you ever say anything like that ever again about this grave!" Ivy hissed, vines suddenly coming to life and snaking towards Selina. " What's got ya so worked up, Red? Why is this grave so special?" Harley asked. " This..... this is where my sister is buried." Ivy murmured, letting the vines drop. Both Harley and Catwoman's eyes soften, and they go in for a hug. " If I may cut in, ladies.." Riddler clears his throat, "I believe we have an eavesdropper." He pointed his question mark cane at me and the Sirens look up. "Whadda ya mean, Nigma? There's no one th-" "Yes there is." Ivy interrupts Harley and makes the willow tree shake. I yelp as, caught off balance, I fall off my branch and faceplant onto my grave. "Owwwwwwwww" I groan and sit up, rubbing my head. " You didn't have to do that, you know.You could've just asked me to come down." "Who do ya think ya are?" Harley snarled at me. "Oh! so sorry, I forgot my manners! White Wolf, at your service." I grin and do a little curtsie. "YOU are the infamous White Wolf?  I don't think so. Prove it." Selina hisses. I raise an eyebrow. " Ok then! What do you want me to do?" " Show us one of your knives!" Harley smiles. I whip one out of my knife holder and hand it to her. Her eyes widen as she beholds the wolf sillouette on the front. " Believe me now?" "Why did you bring us here of all places?" Ivy cuts in, snarling at me. My face falls. She doesn't recognise me? I mean, I've changed, but I didn't think I changed that much. " Ivy, don't you recognise me? I thought you would!" She looks confused. " I've never seen you before in my life!" I feel like I'm about to cry. "Just get to the point already! Who are you, really?" Riddler nearly screams in frustration. " He's been upset ever since you became a known criminal. He can't figure out who you really are, that's why we brought him. His head would've exploded if we didn't." Selina grinned. " Oh, really?" I smirk. " Well, dear Riddler, I would've thought it was obvious!" Riddler glared at me as the Sirens tried to withhold laughter. " I thought you would've figured it out by now, put the puzzle pieces together!" I circle him slowly as he stands ridged. " Think about it....." I whisper in his ear, smiling slyly. His eyes dart around until they finally settle on my grave, and he looks like the happiest guy on earth. Then his cool facade slips over his face again aand he smirks. " It isn't a coincidence that you brought us here, is it? That you brought us to the grave of Ivy's dead sister." "That was an accident," I admitted. "I didn't know she would be here. I didn't even know she was a villain now! I mean, I knew there was a villain called Poison Ivy, but I didn't know it was her!" Riddler grins in triumph. " So i'm right! You are Fauna Wulf, sister to Poison Ivy!"

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