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     Voices fade in and out of hearing in the darkness. That sweet smell is still here. I can feel myself being tossed around, presumably in the back of some car. I can't see anything, and there's a ringing in my ears. Scared, I retreat father into the black.

    Voices again. Vaguely familiar. This time my eyes open a bit. Everything is just a blur of color. I can feel someone messing with my hands. I think I'm sitting up now. Something moves in front of my face, and muffled laugh reaches though my haze. My eyes close again.

     Groaning, I lift my head. "Owwwww......" I squint my eyes open, my vision slowly growing clearer. My head is pounding, godamn. Lifting my head up a bit more, I look around. "What the hell....?"There's a camera in front of me, the red light in the top right indicating that it's recording. I'm in what appears to be an old office. Long abandoned, papers litter the floor. The wall to my right is completely made of multiple panes of glass, looking out over a dark grey, stormy sea.  To my left is a desk with a broken lamp on it.

     The door at the end of the room opens and I look up groggily as the Clown Prince of Crime enters and comically jumps in surprise. "Ah, you're awake! I was beginning to think that Harley put you in a coma!" He laughed as Harley entered from behind him, avoiding my gaze. I furrow my eyebrows, my ears flat against my head underneath my hat. "Wha? Joker? Harley?" I try to lift a hand to my head, but something stops me. I look down at my wrists, staring at the ropes that strap them down to the arms of the chair. My thought process speeds up a bit, finally recognizing my situation. In panic, my eyes widen and I look down to find my legs bound as well, each leg attached to a leg of the metal chair I'm in.

    I look up to see the Joker stifling laughter. Harley still won't look at me. Of course. That big thing that hit me must've been her hammer. I grin nervously. "Haha, Joker, very funny. Mind explaining why I'm strapped down?" Joker giggles and shrugs. "Someone hired me to kidnap you, among... other.. things. So I did!" My heartrate picks up. "Uh-huh. Um... mind explaining what those other things are?" Joker smiles and walks behind me. I crane my neck, trying to see what he was doing. The sound of something metal sliding across other metal sends a shiver up my spine. "Well, I owed a favor to someone, and they decided to cash in that favor with this little surprise for you." He sounds a bit annoyed. "But I'm not really bothered. After all, I get to have a bit of fun! So, besides kidnapping you, and a certain request to remain anonymous, my client asked for me to kill you." A knot of panic forms in my stomach, and I begin wiggling my wrists, trying to slip them out of the tight bonds. "And not only that, but he asked me to film it........" Something cold presses against my neck, and Jokers arm snakes around my shoulders. "And make your death... and I quote.... ' As slow and painful as bloody possible.'"  I gulp, feeling my skin press against the sharp blade on my neck. 

    My eyes flick to Harley, who's swinging her hammer, eyes darting everywhere but me. "Harley?" She jumps, finally locking her eyes with me. I feel tears gather, my throat starting to burn as my nose begins to run. "Harley, you won't let this happen, right? We're friends, right? Aren't we?" Harley looks down at her hammer. "Harley, please! Look at me!" Harley mutters something under her breath, then races out of the room. "Harley! Please!" I wail, tears beginning to stream down my face. This can't be happening. I can't die. Not again. I can't leave Ivy alone again. And Abby... What does she think happened to me? And Nigma just lost one friend. I can't go yet! I feel joker move, his breath fanning the side of my neck. "Let's begin, shall we?"

    He presses the blade down again, breaking the fragile skin. I keep my head completely still and hold my breath as he draws a line across my neck, feeling blood begin to drip from the cut. He finally lifts the knife and I gulp in air, gasping in pain. The wound begins to burn, bringing even more tears to my eyes. Joker moves in front of me, standing behind the camera, He frowns and strokes a non-existent beard. "Oh, you shouldn't look so sad, Wolf! After all, once we're done here, This will be broadcast to all of Gotham! You'll be a star!" He gestures in the air, looking off into the distance, as if envisioning the aftermath. I gasp. "No! No, don't- don't-" I cut myself off, squeezing eyes shut as the movement of my throat sends sharp stabs of pain through me.

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