Disbelief and Denial

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"Oh, hand the dude a gold star, we got a winner!" I sing and skip circles around Riddler. I glance over at Ivy. She's staring at me with shock and..... disbelief. She doesn't believe me. I slow to a stop and  walk in front of her. " Ivy... Do you recognise me now?" I ask softly. Her eyes flicker back and forth across my face, taking in my eyes, my pale skin, my lips, and my hair. " You... you kind of look like her....." She murmurs. Then her eyes harden. She pushes me so I stumble back and am standing on my grave " But you can't be her! " She starts, her voice rising. " I saw her die, I said goodbye and I had to leave her! She can't be alive, because I checked her pulse, and she didn't have one. I checked her breathing, and she wasn't breathing! She is dead, and you aren't HER!" Her voice rises to a shout and vines shoot up behind my grave and attach to my wrists and ankles. Then they whip me backward until my back hits my headstone. More vines tie me securely to the headstone, so I can't move an inch-except for my head. I blink in surprise. This is not how I expected the night would go.  Ivy advanced towards me until we were face to face. I sigh and close my eyes. " Go ahead, Ivy. Do whatever you want. I don't think it could be worse than being flattened by a huge shelf full of chemicals." Nothing happens. Then Ivy whispers," How do you know how she died?" " I already told you big sis, it's me! I died because some idiot scientists were arguing over some green stuff in a bottle while I was on my way to a job interview, and I guess one pushed the other into the huge shelf of chemicals I was walking by at the time, because it fell on me and broke nearly every bone in my body. On my BIRTHDAY!" Yeah, I'm still a little angry about it. Ivy let her vines fall away. I growl and rub my wrists and ankles. " Hey Sis, next time you do that, please don't make the vines so tight." I look up at Ivy. She stares at me for a second, then engulfs me in a crushing hug. " Ivy, honestly, are you trying to choke me tonite?" I croak, and she releases me. She stares downwards. " Then, that coffin...." "Is empty, yes." I finish for her. She smiles at me and hugs me again, gentler this time. " I can't believe you're alive! I'm so happy!" she squeals, and starts jumping up and down. I step back and take a good look at all of them. " You are all welcome in my lair, with any friends you wish to bring... except Batman or Robin, of course. If you ever want to visit.......... Just follow the wolves!" I grin and throw a smoke bomb down, and then slither up my tree again. The smoke clears, and they see I'm gone, and start heading off. And then Riddler looks back up, straight at me. I wink, he smiles, and then he too melts back into the night.

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