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      I sip my chocolate milk, bouncing my foot, occasionally glancing at my computer screens. Most of them were turned to the news, still buzzing about the bombing  at Bruce Wayne's mansion two days after it happened. This week has actually been pretty interesting. A robbery, a breakout, and now a bombing. I don't really understand WHY Abby decided to blow up Bruce Wayne's bedroom, but I guess it's not my business. Actually, Abby's out grocery shopping right now. She decided she wanted sushi for dinner and went to get the stuff.

     With a groan I twirl around in my chair. Sooooooo boooorreeeddd. There's nothing to do! There's pretty much nobody in Arkham Asylum, nowhere to rob, and nobody's really planning any major heists. At least that I know of. Sighing, I glance at the computer screen again to see someone standing outside my hideout. They're wearing a dark brown hat and trench coat, and are carrying some sort of cane. Reaching out, they press in the wolf's nose, then looks up at the camera. Oh. Nigma. I grin and hop out of my chair as he enters the opening hallway. Skidding through the doorway, I notice him standing at the end of the hallway, shoulders hunched. "Hey, Nigma!" I walk forwards and he looks up. His eyes are rimmed with red, and purple bags hang under his eyes. I blink and rush forwards, concerned. "Dude, are you alright?" Nigma looks tiredly up at me, then sniffs and starts to cry. I wrap my arms around him as he sinks to the floor, his coat pooling around us.

    In confusion, I pat his back. Nigma's never really shown any emotion other than confidence or arrogance, at least to me. To Scarecrow? Maybe. I mean, they're pretty close, right? I close my eyes, and hug him tighter, rubbing circles into his back. "Shh..... it's okay..... It's okay......" Nigma's sobs slowly reduce to hiccups, then sniffles. I draw back and look at him, still patting his back. "Hey.... It's alright. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. Come on and sit down, I'll make you some hot chocolate or coffee or something." I slowly stood up, taking him with me, then guided him over to the kitchen table, where he sat down and lay his head on his arms. I frown and grab a packet of hot chocolate , then empty it into a cup. Walking over to the fridge, I grab some milk and pour it in, mix it, and stick the mug into the microwave. Walking over to the table, I sit down and rest my chin in my hand.

   Nigma looks up, wiping his nose. " Uh.... thanks. I......" His eyes dart to the left. I grin. "Hey, it's fine. Like I said, you don't have to tell me anything." Nigma grins and shakes his head. "No.. I... I need to get this off my chest. I mean, You're the only person I know who's died. No offense." I raise an eyebrow. "Uh... none taken? I don't quite understand." Nigma smirked a bit, his old arrogance coming back for a moment. "Of course you don't. I...." He sighs, the smirk sliding off his face. "Well.... is... is death painful?" I furrow my eyebrows. "I hope you aren't considering what I think you're considering, Nigma." He looks up in alarm. "Oh, nonono. I just....." He looks down. "Scarecrow.... died the other day, at the mass breakout. And I just... I don't want him to be in pain, you know? I want him to be in a better place."

    I feel my eyes soften as the microwave dings. I stand up and grab the Hot chocolate, then hand it to Riddler. He wraps his hands around it as I sit back down. "Oh. Well, there's not much I can tell you, I'm afraid. I wasn't dead for very long." I sigh and think back to what it felt like when I had died. "Well... initially, yes, I think it did hurt. But that was only for a split second. Then.... I don't know. I just couldn't feel anything. I was still there, though. I was able to see until someone closed my eyes. I was able to hear. I was able to think. But it was like I was numb, paralyzed." I smile a bit. "I don't know if there's a better place out there. I don't know if what I experienced was necessarily death. But I do know that he's not in pain. There's not much to feel." Nigma sighed and took a sip of his chocolate. "Oh." I tilt my head. "I'm sorry I can't tell you more." Reaching out, I lay a hand on his shoulder. "But if you ever want to talk, I'm always available. And if I'm not at home, then Abby probably will be, and you can ask her where I am. Point is, I'm here for you." Nigma raises an eyebrow. "Abby?" I nod. "Yeah, she's my new roommate." He nods. "Oh." He stands up, setting down his mug. "Well, I'd better be off. Puzzles to set up, and... stuff." He picks up his cane and turns around. I stand up. "Edward, wait." He turns back around. Rushing forwards, I envelop him in a hug. He stumbles backwards a bit, then steadies. Hesitating a bit, he slowly wraps his arms around me.

    "Thank you." I look up at him, smiling softly. "Anytime, buddy. Take it easy, yeah?" He pulls away and pulls open the front door. "Got it. You too, Wolfie." He winks at me, still looking kind of sad. I wave to him as he close the door. Letting out a large breath, I turn and start back towards my computers, then stop when I hear the door open behind me again. "Nigma?" I turn in confusion. Something large races towards me and hits me on the side of the head. I crumple to the ground with a groan, the right side of my head throbbing. Shakily, I push myself up a bit, my vision blurry. Something soft and white is shoved over my mouth and nose, and a sickly sweet smell is the last thing I register before blacking out.

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