My First Heist

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I went back to my house and grabbed my stuff. Well, no clothes, because these never seemed to get dirty and I always shifted back into them. I had even fallen into a mud puddle and emerged completely clean I would still wash them and take showers, of course. I just didn't feel the need for clothes. I grabbed my magic/illusion stuff and my throwing knives. What? A girl needs protection in Gotham. My knives were completely black with the sillouette of a white wolf head howling. Kind of ironic. The next thing I need is a hideout. I can't stay here, People will be coming in and taking my stuff soon, and I'm supposed to be dead.I looked around Gotham for about a week and finally found a place. It was underground, and dusty, but soon I'll have enough money to trick it out. With that, I begin to plan.

A week later

I finally had my plan. I didn't want to just walk in with a gun and demand money. I wanted people to wonder what happened, how I did it. So I'm going to use my talent in the magic/ illusion field. I was going to rob Gotham General Bank. I took my knives and my illusion equipment, and set up. I cut the power to the cameras and defense system and climbed in through the air vents with a gigantic duffel bag, dropping down inside the safe by unscrewing an entire section of the vent. I stuffed all the money in my duffel bag, shoving it back into the airvents and climbing in after, then screwing the section of airvent back on. Just then, the safe door opened. The owner of the bank strolled in, eyes widening at the absent money. He let out a string of curses. Then he bent down to pick something up. It was one of my throwing knives. I must have dropped it by accident. " A white wolf...." The Bank owner murmured. I grinned. Perfect, that can be my calling card. " Check the cameras!" He barked to the security guard behind him. I scrambled through the vents with my duffel, got to the power box, and put the power back on. Now it will seem like the money just disappeared when tehy check the cameras. It will look fine, and then suddenly, the money is gone. I manage to get home and then go out to one of those stores with all the tv's in the front window. The news was on, and my robbery was being reported on. " This is Vikki Vale reporting live from Gotham General Bank, which was robbed early this morning. The owner has refused to make a statement, and the police are on the scene. According to the cameras, the money was there one moment, gone the next. The only thing found at the scene was this throwing knife."  A picture of my knife flashed on the screen. " The police are calling whoever robbed the bank 'the White Wolf' based on the picture on the knife.Good people of Gotham, I looks like we have another villain to add to our growing number." I smile as the few people around me chatter nervously, and retreat into darkness, already planning my next heist.

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