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Chara and Frisk sat down for dinner. Toriel never disappointed them when it came to dinner. Her cooking was the best. They always ate like kings.

"Quen Mom, is dinner almost done?" Chara asked.

"Dinner is done, my child." Toriel smiled.

"Good cause I'm hungry." Chara said sticking their tongue out playfully.

"HUNGRY! HUNGRY!" Frisk shouted over and over. Toriel giggled as the children sat at the table. She served them some steak and mash potatoes with gravey.

Sans walked in and sat on the other side of the table from where the kids where. He sat directly across from Chara. Toriel served him too.

"How's your brother?" She made small talk with Sans while they ate.

Frisk leaned over and whispered, "This is like a double date."

Chars whispered back, "We aren't dating yet." However they said this a bit too loud and both Sans and Toriel heard. Sans just looked at her.

Toriel cleared her throat. "We will talk about this after dinner."

They ate in silence for the rest of the time.

// I have sined! Kliff hanger.//

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