Sick Day

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Chara hadn't been feeling too well. At first it was just a cold, but then they started to run a fever. So Toriel made them stay home. She seemed really worried. She even called in to work plus had Frisk stay home too.

Chara was sleeping with a ton of covers. Frisk sat at the foot of their bed.

"F-Frisk?" Chara asked.

"Yes?" They asked back. Frisk was honestly worried about Chara.

"I don't wanna get you sick." Chara said slightly kicking Frisk. Frisk smiled.

"It makes no difference to be weither I'm sick or not. I only care about you." Frisk said.

Chara frowned. "Um Frisk, I didn't wanna tell Queen Mom this, but if I tell you why I'm sick will you get the stuff to make it better?"

Frisk was very concerned. "Yes, baby. I won't tell Mom and I'll do anything to help you."

Chara held their arm out and rolled their sleeve up. They had cuts all up and down their arm. They didn't look like they were being taken care of.

"They got really infected and I didn't know what to do. The infections got so bad it made me sick." Chara tryed not to make eye contact with Frisk. They heard Frisk get up and leave the room. Chara instantly thought that Frisk was mad at them. Tears began to fall from their eyes. Then they heard someone walk in.

"Chara, don't cry. I'm not mad." Frisk spoke softly. They whipped the tears from Chara's face and opened the first aid kit they brought into the room. The first think Frisk did was put alcohol on Chara's cuts. They winced in pain and Frisk softly shushed Chara.

"I know, baby, I know." They whispered softly to Chara as the swabbed each cut with alcohol. Then they wrapped up the cuts. Frisk stood up and felt Chara's forehead. They were a little warm. Frisk left the room again.

Once they put up the first aid kit they came back with a towle soaked in luke-warm watter. They dabbed all around Chara's face making sure they were cool enough. Once doing that enough made Chara's tempture go down, they rewet the towle and left it on Chara's forehead.

Frisk kissed their cheek. "Get some rest." They said lovingly. Chara just nodded.

When Chara woke up Frisk was asleep but had put a bowl of soup on Chara's night stand. Chara smiled sat up and ate. They layed down and drifted back to sleep.

Before they fell asleep Chara thought.
Wow Frisk really does take care of me.

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