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It had been so cold and Chara had been shaking from being out in the cold. Once they got home Chara set up a pot and bowled some milk. They took out two mugs, Frisk's and their mug.

Frisk walked in shortly after Chara set up the milk. They walked up and wrapped their arms around Chara in an embrace. Chara smiled and tilted their head.

"What you makin'?" Frisk questioned.

"Well, right now I'm heating milk to make coco." Chara explained. They moved Frisk's arms and poor the milk evenly into the two mugs. Then they poored the coco powered into the milk. Once all mixed up they handed Frisk their mug.

Chara went sit on the sofa then turned the TV on. Frisk went into their room then came into the living room with a blanket.

"You um wanna cuddle?" Frisk asked blushing a little. Chara giggled then nodded. Frisk threw the blanket over them and cuddled up to Chara. They sat their and watched TV for a while.

"Chara, I finished my coco." Frisk said looking at their mug. Chara grabbed their mug then walked into the kitchen to clean the mugs.

They went back.

Frisk was adorable. The were all bundled up, sleeply watching TV. Chara knew Frisk was fixing to fall asleep.

Despite this they still cuddled with Frisk. Chara knew Frisk wasn't too heavy so they could easily carry them to bed if needed.

Frisk looked up at Chara. "Chara, I love you."

"I love you too, Frisk." Chara played with Frisk's hair.

"P-please don't ever get into a f-f-fight." Frisk eyes started to water while they said this. Chara pulled them closer.

"Baby, I won't I swear. I don't want to loose you. I'm starting to learn to love life and that all people aren't bad. I won't get in a fight." Chara whispered while holding Frisk's face. They softly kissed Frisk.

"I just worry." Frisk said looking away.

"Don't worry. You're worth me changing." Chara smiled then kissed Frisk again. When they pulled away Frisk had softly tears falling down their checks.

"W-why are you crying, baby?" Chara asked.

"Because you make me so happy." Frisk said then pulled Chara into a deep kiss.

They sat their and watched TV till Frisk peacefully fell asleep.

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