Part 7

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Looking away instead of pushing him away like I have been, I take a step back.

"We should find a place to set up camp soon." I say quietly.

"Yeh we should and then we should talk Aria." There's disappointment and weariness in his voice and I wonder if he's as miserable as I am.

Nodding I don't glance back as I continue on.

An hour later and we come across an old tree thats many branches has kept the majority of the snow from settling under it. Setting up camp is a quick affair as we carry swags to sleep in on top of our backpacks, no tents for us.

"I'm going to try and find some wood for a fire." I say gently still unwilling to break the silence that has been keeping us company.

"Don't go to far." His voice is equally soft as he looks at me in concern.

"I won't."

Finding a tree similar to the one we're camped under I gather the small twigs and dry leaves and am overjoyed when I look up and see one of the branches right near my head has died giving me an ample supply of dry burnable wood. I will not be cold tonight.

Reaching up I grab a hold at the base and using my body weight I attempt to break it from the trunk unsuccessfully.

Not willing to give up though I bounce my weight around further down the branch hoping this will be enough and when the resounding crack of the branch breaking echoes around the woods I am surprised to find myself flat on my back with the branch above me.

I hear running steps and it's not more than three seconds before I hear Finn's anxious voice.


Then he's standing above me.

"God Aria what the hell! You couldn't have just asked for my help?" His tone and question indicate he's obviously worked out what's happened.

Slightly embarrassed and put on the defensive with his accusatory tone I respond more hurtfully than I liked.

"Well I've been used to you not being around for a while now Finn, so yeah I do things alone now. I really don't need anything from you."

Turning I grab the branch and start dragging it back to our camp. Surprised when the load lightens and I look back to find Finn carrying the other end scowling.

"You're so stubborn, you know that." Finn says sounding pissed.

I don't mean to sound like a petulant child but my attitude is very much he's own fault, but not wanting to start an argument right before we eat and sleep I keep quiet.

Finn has already started a small fire with the small bits of dried tinder from our campsite so it's just a matter of adding on bigger bits of wood to build it up.

Grabbing my small tin pot from my backpack I add snow and settle it in the fire to boil for some tea. Finn does the same and then sits opposite me on top of his swag.

Watching the fire I don't even look away when he adds peppermint leaves to both our pots for tea and moves them out of reach of the fire, which has boiled the water quickly despite the chill in the air.

When it's cooled enough to pick up we both do so but when I still refuse to speak or even look at him as the tension between us mounts, he eventually lets out a long annoyed breathe.

I see without seeing as he runs a hand through his hair. A movement that can either indicate nervousness or a need for seriousness. I think it's a bit of both when he finally speaks.

"I think it's a good time to talk now." 

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