Two hours.

20 3 0

Two hours we waited in the cold while the humans debated whether or not they would brave the weather and head home.

Freddie howled into the wind in imitation of his wild side.

We were growing desperate. 

They packed their belongings straight after, a wise decision, and made their way to their giant four-wheel-drive.

I sighed a breath of relief as their taillights faded into the distance.

I was dead on my feet. Leaning against a tree I had cuddled Jenny to me.

My arms were no longer my own, pins and needles a thing of the past. Cramped into one position I blocked all thought about the pain I would ensure when I finally found myself without the burden of her body.

Jenny's essence seemed to waver like a candle in the wind. Strands seemed to rise from her body like smokey tendrils before disappearing into nothing. I had never seen anything like it and it scared me.

Was I watching life leek from her body?

Half of me was panicking, the other half was determined.
And the smallest amount. The barest of fractions was keeping the coal of anger alive.

Freddie leant Isaac on the wall of the cabin as he made his way inside.

He's head peeked out and with another sigh, this one of absolute relief, I made myself take the necessary steps inside.

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