Going Home

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My head bangs against the glass of the window. A headache is forming, brewing just behind my left temple. And my eyes ache like I've been awake too long. I rub at them.

Seventy-five minutes into our journey and things are starting to look familiar. At least we're on a road now.

Jenny sits next to me leaning her head against Isaac. Her hand clutches mine though. I've seen the trauma in her eyes and know for her, it's not as simple as having a sound body again. They broke a part of her spirit.

She's barely spoken, but I feel her gratitude in that clutching hand.

Isaac swears vengeance on those who captured them. We still haven't had a proper debriefing. Instead we wait until the strangers have departed. The same strangers that had no qualms about jumping in the back of the SUV Freddie had procured and making themselves quite at home.

Finn drives and has placed the rear view mirror in a position that has me catching his eye every time I look up.

Is he watching for me though, or the strange man who sits straight behind.
So close he could probably be sniffing at my hair if he were so inclined.
Instead he slouches against the side seat and rest his arm against the back of my chair.
Goosebumps cover the skin he accidentally grazes every time the car bumps or lurches.

I glanced back the first time it happened but he was staring out the window totally oblivious. So I sat back deciding I wasn't going to make a big deal about it if he was obviously unaware of how uncomfortable he was making me.

At least the she-wolf, Rosie, is likeable. She keeps a close eye on Jenny and weirdly enough myself, and I learnt that she was the one to watch and tend to them after I had fallen asleep.

She's a miracle worker. I've always wondered if there were others that may have heightened abilities like my own. Maybe she does and it helps her heal people.

My minds fumbles with the idea, twisting and turning to figure out what you would need to be able to put a body back together.
We transform ourselves... can we extend that to others? We heal at a faster rate than humans, can that be pushed further?

I close my eyes and the brush of skin against my neck sends a shiver across the skin of my entire body. I breathe out a sigh.
I feel hot and cold.
I try to inconspicuously lay a hand across my cheek then forehead, checking for a fever.

Nope, that's just a blush. How mortifying. I can't help but check under my lashes the attention of everyone else in the car but everyone seems unaware that I sit here unbelievable uncomfortable.

That is until I become aware of everyone's eyes on me not five minutes later.


'Do you think you could lead us back there?' Freddie repeats.

My eyes lock with his and I give my head a subtle shake.

This is not something I want to discuss in front of the others.

'Even if she can we've organised the services of Ari. You boys will on your own once we get back.' Connor speaks confidently from the back.

Yes manic grin man has a name.

My head swings around and my eyes question his.

'We cleared it with your Alpha, princess.'

Well then. It's good to know I'm so easily dispensed into the clutches of strangers.

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