So they come...

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When they showed up at the door, opening it before I had a chance at holding them back, I sagged visibly with despair.

And then surprise over took me as the she-wolf tugged me to her intimately and started pulling down her pants with one hand while holding my arm with the other. Her grip felt like fire licking up my arm.

She only got as far down as the skin beneath her hip bone but it was enough.

My eyes met her, confused and not at all relieved, as she had probably been going for.

I went to speak, I wanted to know what she did. What it meant. But her hand clasped over my mouth, light but firm.

"We haven't the time. What's wrong with your arms?"

Her grip had loosened and her hand ran down the length of my arm until it clasped my hand gently.

Concerned hazel eyes regarded me.

I guess I was allowed to speak now.

"I carried her.' Was all my stunned brain managed.

The man that followed her grinned and I took a step back at the maniacal look in his eyes as he loomed over us.

'This world is fucking with you girl' he laughed.

What an asshole. No need to point out the obvious.

'So now you know we're here to help, why don't you get out of our way?' The pretty brunette continued, slightly exasperated as if I'd been wasting her time for hours and not merely minutes. Though her hands showed more concern than her tone, brushing the hair from my face.

Well I didn't know that, but I was hardly in the position to refuse them. The fight had left me. This day had been so odd already that maybe it's just time I rolled with the punches.
Expect the unexpected.
Rely on strangers.
Distrust the known.
Ramble, ramble, ramble, brain, brain, brain.

Exhaustion had obviously taken over my ability to think clearly.

My energy was depleted after carrying Jenny. I was spent, and now that I had stopped moving it seemed impossible to start again.

Isaac was passed out on the couch while Freddie had left knowing we needed a vehicle and we needed one fast.

I was left to watch helplessly as I endeavoured to regain function of my hands while Jenny's 'essence' seemed to seep from her body.

I was confused.

I was horrified.

I was despondent.

And I wanted so badly to just curl in a ball and cry and just let these stranger do what they willed.

But I couldn't, could I?

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