All The Feels But No Movement.

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From my peripheral I make out others approaching us.


He struggles to aide a form next to him; an injured Isaac.

Behind him I sense Jenny before she becomes visible.

The standoff between the two males becomes second priority as my vision gives me clear awareness of the essence leaking from the two forms struggling towards us.

What am I doing?

I sprint to Jenny just as she collapses.

Danger surrounds us.

And we don't know what's going on.

And I've let a stranger hijack my being.

I shake off the haze that seems to be pressing on all sides of my mind as I struggle to focus and locate the injuries on the two kids that have been pulled into a mess that is bigger than any of us probably first anticipated.

I want to try to figure out what is going on right now, but if I do I'd be wasting precious moments that could aide us in getting to safety and providing relief to the teenagers that seem to be on the edge of unconsciousness.

We have to leave.

Freddie kneels next to me as Isaac stands on shaky legs, dazedly looking down upon us as I run my hands over Jenny's head and body searching and finding injuries that cover her from head to toe. They've obviously been tortured. But to what end?

Jenny's eyes have closed tightly and her shallow breathing is alarming.

In obvious agony I see her struggle to hold herself as still as possible.

"It's bad isn't it?" Freddie asks, his voice a whisper carried through the flurry of snow.

I shoot him a hard look.

I can hardly answer that with the hope of them both resting on my shoulders, waiting for an answer that will confirm or deny the pain their experiencing.

I shake my head and peer up at Isaac, but it's obvious he never even heard the question.

"Where's Luke?" I ask frustration masking my worry.

"Covering our trail".

A small breathe of relief escapes me. But I know we are still living on borrowed time.

This is ridiculous.

"We should be moving," I state.

"Where's Finn? I felt him..." He trails off as he peers around and locates the two men having what appears to be a very intimate but obviously heated conversation by the edge of the clearing less than 4 ft away.

He doesn't question but I watch as his eyes narrow.


I didn't think one name could hold so many emotions.

Fear, anger, confusion and surprisingly awe.

I'm already so sick of that fucking name.

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