Part 18

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What is going on right now?

Finn's growls are loud as they reverberate through his body and into mine while I lay trapped beneath him.

"But seriously did you honestly think you could keep her from me forever?" The stranger snarls while I try to look up and into the face of the wolf above me. It's a struggle and I'm getting colder by the second as my body sinks further into the snow before touching the cold hard ground beneath.

"Finn get off me" I whisper, knowing that he'll hear me even through the deep guttural sound that has continued on with unbroken hostility.

"You think your threats mean anything to me dog. I told you I was coming for her, and here I am."

My head shoots up at this new revelation, and the exertion, met with no resistance as Finn releases me, almost sends me flying backwards.

I'm on my feet in a flash and back away confused by what is happening in front of me.

"Finn..." My voice carries my confusion and worry but he doesn't even grace me with a look before he stalks forward approaching the black haired stranger.

There's a buzzing in my head and I feel as if I should know this man.

But I don't, but I should.

The stranger looks at me as if knowing my thoughts and grins.

"You want me little girl, and you don't even know why. Too bad Finn's been trying to keep you from my reach."

His eyes glimmer wickedly. They flick to Finn's approaching form before coming back to meet my own again.

I can only look at him in bewilderment. I have no idea what he's talking about and he knows he has every advantage.

"What do you mean?"

His look is expectant as if I should know already, but before I can voice my confusion once again Finn stands naked before him, hand outreached wrapped around his throat.

"I would stop speaking to her now, if I were you Caden." Finn's voice comes out low and cold. I haven't heard that tone since he dismissed me from his life, and the memory sends an unwelcome shiver down my already cold spine.


That name spins around my head, the piece of information I've practically begged for from the beginning still leaves me confused. 

Caden's eyes sparkle as he turns to look into my own, knowing and darkness lurk within.

He's not worried about his life in Finn's firm grip. He almost looks expectant at me.

My mouth moves to open. I'm unsure what I'll say though.

"Finn" I finally rasp out as I watch his elongating claws start to draw blood.

I don't need him strangling this stranger, or ripping his throat out. I need him to be explaining exactly what the fuck is going on.

His eyes turn to me, completely black. His anger visibly portrayed by his body.

"I asked you to watch her, you stupid mutt, not fall in-love with her." The stranger voices around his constricted vocal chords.

"I trusted you."

And with that the hand that grasped his neck falls.

The nails shrink back to stubs and Finn turns to face his accuser.

"And even when I heard..." Caden shakes his head. "And then you break her, over a fucking rumor from that jealous dog, you stupid piece of shit. You should have never let her go once you had her." His eyes flash silver and I take a step back.

What the hell was that?

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