Part 13

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I can barely breathe with the depth of feeling that's overwhelming me.

Another tear spills following the same track as the other and the wolf above me lets out a low whine before licking at the tear and then nuzzling into my neck. I feel the pull of air as it tickles against my neck as Finn takes my scent in more thoroughly in his wolf form.

"We can't do this right now Finn." Ever the voice of reason, we are too close to others we risk discovery and we are still only part way through our mission. It's no time to be messing about and thinking about ourselves, our relationship, we need to be focused on those kids.

With another whine he releases me from his towering position and I sit up. Noticing that I've managed to melt the snow beneath me and now have chilly wet hair on my hands I attempt to squeeze out what I can as I watch with slight fascination as Finn makes the transformation back into his human form.

With eyes trained on my own he glides over and lifts me to my feet.

"You let me touch you," he whispers, hunching slightly so we're eye-to-eye, nose-to-nose, in the most intimate and honest way.

Breathing in each other I've almost forgotten what he's said until my mind finally gives me words to speak.

"I didn't let you touch me I let your wolf".

He's light chuckle fuels my need to pull him closer but I resist.

"My wolf and I are the same person, you know that Aria."

"Well it's hard to believe, he's always been way nicer to me than you have." Finn cringes but it isn't long before his grin flashes and he's pulling me into his arms.

"I can be real nice to you Aria." He says looking down at me now. Then he's at my ear and I tilt my head to give him better access to my neck in familiar reflex, a reflex I never thought I'd be living out again with him.

"If you just let me..." Finn concludes with a warm breath that flows and glides against my ear and down my neck making me shudder.

"I think you better put some clothes on before you catch a chill." I respond, trying not to be sucked in by he's deceptively seductive words.

Finn pulls away and clothed we both journey on.

"So does this mean your part way to forgiving me?" Finn whispers as we trudge through the snow, quiet as can be so not to alert anyone of our presence.

I've got my extra sense flung wide so that we're not caught of guard, but it's tiring and I cant do that and talk with Finn at the same time.

"Not now Finn, we've got work to do. Have you notified the others?"

"They're on their way. So that's not a no then..."

"No it's not a no but you'll be asking for more than forgiveness if you screw up this mission and get us caught so please..."

I see his quick nod of ascent out of the corner of my eye and we keep travelling forward.

Not long now and we'll be able to see the pack I sensed earlier.

Darkness is approaching fast and I doubt we will be able to reach them before we lose all the light from the sun, but it's probably for the best. We don't know what kind of situation we're getting into. We need to locate the kids and then get them away as securely and efficiently as possible, no matter their objections or proclamations. They're too young to be running off without a word and their parents and Alphas want them home and debriefed as soon as possible.

As the sun pulls the last of it's light from this side of the world we reach the edge of the forest where beyond lies a clearing filled with structures for housing and other amenities. Bonfires cast strange shadows with people walking past and the buildings are set up in a formation I've never seen before. 

Now we wait. 

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