Sincerity in Strangers

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I got plopped down in the plush chair next to the bed. The one that in normal circumstances would have held the discarded clothes that weren't quite dirty enough to go in the wash, but not clean enough to be put away either.

The she-wolf approached Jenny cautiously.

While the other guy went and crouched down next to Isaac.

I scratched at my bottom lip, annoyed that the skin was peeling off it again. It always split in the middle and from there I just couldn't resist. I chewed until it was all gone. A nasty habit. But one that was keeping my mouth occupied while I waited to see what would happen next.

Sure I could have been hounding then with a million questions. Maybe I should have been. But something about the quiet sincere way they moved about the room made it seem impossible to upset the silence with such juvenile questions as 'who are you and who sent you?' They seemed like doctors or scientists. Their concentration was palpable.

They obviously knew the situation.

I obviously didn't.

And they were looking with concern and not malice at my charges, so... yeh. I'm good with just being a spectator for the time being. Gather my strength, maybe close my eyes for just a second.... Goddess I was so tired.

It's dark when I wake. Hostility pricks along the edges of my awareness until it becomes my total focus. It consumes the room. I'm breathing it in. Its breaking through the surface of my skin attacking me from within and without, slithering along in my blood to squeeze my heart and pool in my stomach like sickness.

I raise my head and take in my surroundings.

It's the same, but totally different.

Those two men make all the difference.

Standing on opposite sides of the room their anger radiates out into the air. Their postures aggressive towards each other though both talk to the side. Camden with the she-wolf and Finn with Freddie.

They both argue.

I look beside me noticing Isaac now on the bed closely wrapped around Jenny, both of whom sleep soundly. Both of their cheeks flushed with health and warmth.

I can't help the small gasp that escapes.
My tentative fingers reach out and I brush a stray of hair from Jenny's forehead before running my hand down the side plane of her face that had only hours before held heavy bruising.

It's the other one, the one I should have taken care to notice his whereabouts, that finally notices my wakened self.
His hand comes heavy down on my shoulders. I squeal in surprise and then flush heavily with embarrassment.

I can honestly say no one has ever been able to sneak up on me. I'm always aware of the presences around me. And he just gave me the first physical shock of my life.
I'm beet red with the sound I didn't even know I had the capacity to produce.

My heart pounds and my neck has twisted to take in the face of the man with maniacal grin.

He wears it again.

I'm not surprised.

"Falling asleep on the job is never recommended, but you've managed to successful avoid the ridiculous arrival of the Alphas."

I glance at Camden, not realising until the moment it's vocalised that the stance, the arrogance, the commanding presence are all traits that should've given his position away to me on our initial meeting.
Being distracted is not an acceptable excuse for missing the obvious cues.
This is my job for fucks sake.

I shake my head slightly before glancing back at the wolf standing next to me.

"What bare bones information can you give me?"

His laugh shakes the air around me.
His deep timber tone wraps around me.
"Oh little one, you and I are going to be the greatest of friends, I can tell." His grin reveals itself again. Grey eyes crinkled in a tan face. There's an honesty about him that makes me believe he believes what he's saying.

"So..." the word is dragged as I wait for an answer.

But I'm no longer the only one invested in this conversation.

And not so shockingly the interruption from the across the room halts anything that could have sprouted from the manic man's mouth.

I turn to glare in their direction.

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