Why Am I Saving Prince Charming?
The PenPal:
Miah’s POV:
Getting to Chris’s home took us three days!
After we said our good buys to my dad, Charlie’s grandpa, and everyone (literally my dad called nearly everyone in the phonebook) once we finished with all of that, I wanted to go back into my room and take a nap!
When we finally drove into Charlie’s town, all three of us were exhausted and more than ready to get out of Chris’s vehicle.
Two days later:
I looked over at Miah lounging over on the couch texting someone while my mom cooed at Charlie and showered him with kisses.
“Hey, who are you talking to?” I asked curiously
“Hmm? Oh, just my PenPal” Miah replied nonchalantly
“Oh…(long pause) So…what’s her name?”
“Theguywiththeabsofagod is his web name (Not a real person! DO NOT TRY TO STALK!) but I just call him Hades.” Miah replied after laughing at something on the cell.
“Wait, it’s a GUY! AND you met him on the INTERNET!!! AND he calls himself HADES?!?!?!?”
“Ahh yeah?”
“Has he tried to meet with you at your home or try to find out where you live??” I asked frantically
“Uhh…no? He’s only been curious about which town I live in, since he lives in the same area. Apparently he’s quite a few hours away from my town, just can’t remember which town it is exactly that he lives in but apparently it’s too much of a drive for just a casual meet and greet. Hmm… I should ask him which town he lives in again, maybe it’s close to here!”
“Wait! You’ve volunteered which TOWN you live in?!?!?! Do you know how dangerous that is!”
“I haven’t told him exactly where I live! He doesn’t even know my actual name even!” Miah was starting to look really annoyed
“Has he asked you for a description of yourself?? OR PICTURES???” My eyes widened at the thought
“Nope, he’s actually been uninterested in what I look like, he’s more interested in hearing about Charlie’s antics or the latest embarrassing thing my dad did or even hearing about a bad day at school so we can compare it to his bad days… it’s that kind of talk- he’s pretty much my best friend.”
( Sure he sees himself as JUST a friend! He’s probably just doing all of this to reel her in, once he has her wrapped around his finger then…)
“So how long have you been PenPals with this guy?”
“Three, almost four years I started talking to him after reading one of his stories”
(So THAT’S how he reels in the unsuspecting!)
“Chris… are you okay? You have a weird look on your face… You’re not JEALOUS are you??”
“NO! Ah hemm (clears throat) I mean, no of course not” (Why would I be jealous of some… guy… who is conceted enough to call himself… sigh… Theguywithabsofagod… uhhh, no don’t answer that)
Miah gave me a strange look then turned back to her phone, “Well that’s good then, I guess”
Miah seemed almost sad, then as she read whatever message that was on her phone, she broke into a huge grin.
“Oh guess what?? You wouldn’t believe it! Hades actually lives in this town!!! I’m going to see if he wants to meet! This is soo exciting!” Miah jumped off the couch and started hopping around the living room, Charlie excitedly joined in.

Why Am I Saving Prince Charming
RomanceThey were friends while growing up, they are bound by a promise made and now have to deal with new issues and problems as they relearn how to be friends...and possibly more to eachother.