Act 1 Part 5

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Harry: puts tie on too tight. Ah!

All of the marauder's glared at Young Snape.

Snape: Wait Potter, your Sorting isn't done yet, the Scarf of Sexual Preference.

Scarf: Metrosexual.

Harry went Red when everyone laughed.

Harry: So, does the school provide shoes to go with this fabulous tie or not?

"Why don't I have shoes on?"
"The actor probably didn't have enough time o fully change."

Snape: It sure does.

Harry: I'll make it work. Hey guys, what'd you guys get Sorted as?

Ron: Bi-curious.

Ron turned Weasley red.
"I knew you were hiding something." Laughed the twins.

Hermione: Waiting till marriage.

Hermione went pink.
"I can see that happening."

Harry: No, I meant what House did you get Sorted in?

Ron: Oh, Gryffindor.

Hermione: Gryffindor.

Harry: Gryffindor, cool me too!

Seamus: Bloody ass,

"Bloody ass?" Laughed Seamus.

Dean, get a load of this. We're in the same House as Harry Potta! Why don't you just put your feet right up here Mr. Potter, right here. Lays down to be Harry's foot rest.

Neville: Can I shine your shoes, Mr. Potter?

Harry: Go for it, man.

Dean: Yo man, I've got this real mean back rub.

Harry: Alright.

Ron: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, services not necessary! Get out. Spits on Harry's neck and rubs it.

"Please don't spit on me Ron."
"Wouldn't dream of it."

Harry: Ooo, thank you. Gryffindor House rocks, I can't even imagine what other kinds of assholes exist in the other stupid Houses.

"Malfoy." Said Ron.

Sorting Hat: Slytherin!

Draco: Well, well, well, isn't this cute? The rumors are true. You must be Harry Potter, the famous bastard.

"You're the bastard."

My name is Draco Malfoy. I am a racist,

Dean stood up and Seamus had to pull him down.

Dean stands up and Seamus pulls him down. I despise gingers

"Shut up Malfoy!" Said all of the gingers.

and Mudbloods

"Mostly Granger."
"Shut up!"

I hate Gryffindor House, and my parents work for the man who killed your parents. Do you want to be my friend?


Harry: Hate Gryffindor House? Get out of my face Malfoy! Pushes Malfoy.

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