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Joe couldn't help the disappointment that flared through his body when she looked at the wedding ring that he had slipped onto her finger five years ago like she had never seen it in her life. If it was hard for him to see her like that, he couldn't even imagine how hard it must be for her. A whole six years, years that she had recently described as the best years of her life, taken from her memory all because of a careless driver who couldn't be bothered to obey traffic laws. She had gotten married, went through what he could describe along with a lot of other people as one of the worst pregnancies ever, gave birth to a gorgeous little girl and fulfilled most of her dreams and she couldn't even remember it.

"What year do you think it is?" Joe asked, still on top of her just in case she decided to attack him again. He wouldn't mind because depending on what year her mind was stuck in, she was probably still pissed at him, but his back was hurting and he wasn't in the mood for her to hurt him again.

"It's 2013," Demi knew that she was wrong from how Joe was looking at her. She really wished that he would get off of her because their position was making her squirm but she closed her mouth and swallowed the lump that had lodged itself into her throat when she first woke up.

"It's 2019..." he trailed off, watching his face change. He almost wished that the doctors had broken the news to her instead. Why did they have to give him the hard job?

"No it's not. You're lying, you're playing some kind of sick trick on me, you're-" she stopped as Joe shook his head. Her eyes shut in defense as tears began to cascade down her cheeks, her rose colored cheeks. Joe wanted to hold her in his arms and comfort her, promising her that she was gonna get her memory back but he couldn't make a promise that he wasn't gonna keep. Memory was a fragile thing and it wasn't something that could be tampered with.

"Then what happened, hm? Why can't I remember anything?" Demi questioned as Joe finally slid off of her, leaning against the stairs as she did the same, but kept her distance from him. She remembered hating him, no matter how many times that she told people that she had forgiven him. For some reason, he was the one person she just couldn't forgive, not after how he had manipulated her and lied to her.

"You were in a car accident after we came back from a date," Joe explained as Demi laid back down on the floor, wishing it would just swallow her up.

"If I was in an accident, why am I not in a hospital? If this is some dumb joke so that we can be together again, it's not funny," Demi spat, pushing herself off of the floor. She ran her fingers over the material on her stomach, shaking her head as she ran back up the stairs and into the room that she had woken up in. Everything looked so painfully unfamiliar that it was causing her head to spin and ache. Never in her life had she been so confused.

"I have your hospital records, I have proof Demi. And you have amnesia, why would you think I'm pulling a prank on you? Do you really think I'm that desperate?" Demi sat down on the bed, her arms folded over her chest.

"Come here," Joe grabbed her arm and led her into what she assumed was their closet, and she was right. He practically pushed her towards a body length mirror and her eyes widened as she took her appearance in. She remembered her hair being blonde with her dark brown roots coming in, but instead her hair was a deep brown, almost mahogany color. It no longer just stopped at her shoulders, it waved all the way down to the middle of her back. Her once slightly small breasts were now full and perky and she definitely would no longer need a push up bra, when she actually wore one. Her stomach was flat and toned, making her curves even more defined then she remembered them. And she was pale, not pastly pale like she had been a few times before but pale enough that it looked like a spray tan hadn't touched her body in years.

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