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Her manicured finger tips trailed over the glass of the frame that held the picture of her on her wedding day. It was a sight to see. Brown hair tumbling down her back in the prettiest curls that she had ever seen. Small flowers and pearls weaved throughout the braid that held her hair back. A gorgeous gown that somehow accented her body but still made her look like a princess, something she had always dreamed of looking like when she got married. And she couldn't remember any of it. She was glowing, the way she remembered everyone telling her that she had been during the summer of 2013, despite what had happened that summer with her dad dying and her not even being on good terms with him. She looked so happy and she couldn't remember, she couldn't remember feeling the butterflies walking down the aisle to Joe or feeling the love throughout the entire chapel that they had been married in because everyone knew, they were both getting their happily ever after that they had waited on for years and years. She couldn't remember feeling it and she would never get that feeling again.

"Did you put Nolie down for her nap?" she jumped up and placed her hand over her chest before whipping around and finding Joe standing there, hands stuffed in his pockets, freshly shaved with a small smile on his lips.

"Uh yeah, she fell asleep on the way here I just carried her up and changed her clothes and she should be woken up in an hour because-" she stopped talking when she noticed the amused expression on his face. She rested some of her weight on her left foot and placed one of her hands on her hips.

"What?" she questioned as he shook his head and looked at the picture behind her. "No tell me."

"You're really strict with everything that Nolie does. I'm kind of surprised that hasn't changed. I wish it did...I'm sure Nolie does too," Joe slowly explained and Demi couldn't describe the feeling bubbling up in the pit of her stomach. How was she supposed to feel about that? Was it his way of saying that she needed to loosen up? How could she loosen up when she didn't remember being uptight in the first place?

"So I cooking or are you?" Demi cleared her throat to change the topic and walked around him, down the stairs. He followed her into the kitchen and watched as she opened up every drawer, every cabinet, the refrigerator, the freezer, trying to get reacquainted with everything even though the irony of the situation was that she had decorated it all by herself.

"I usually cook because you still don't want to learn or at least you don't have the time to so you can go explore and get to know the house that you picked out...again," Joe began to pull pots out and Demi drummed her fingertips on the counter, watching the way his muscles flexed as he pulled things out and opened jars of pasta sauce. Her tongue instinctively moistened her lips before her top teeth sunk into her plump bottom lip, watching him go to work.

It wasn't that Joe wasn't an attractive man. She had been heavily attracted to him when she was a teenager but then again, she had been a mess of hormones back then. He was even more attractive now. He was more masculine and she didn't mind staring. The sex had been wild when they were teenagers. She could only imagine how much better it had gotten during adult hood.

"Demi," her lip escaped the grip from her teeth and she locked eyes with him, shaking her head to clear away those thoughts. She wasn't gonna have sex with him because she didn't love him and she was gonna figure out how to get out of this relationship. She simply could not go on married to him if she didn't love him. She couldn't remember loving him and she knew for a fact that she wasn't going to fall in love with him because of how bad he had hurt her the first time. She had said a million times that she was over it but she knew that deep down, she would never be able to let it go.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit distracted," one corner of his mouth pulled into that infamous smirk that she absolutely detested and she simply walked around him, stuffing her hands into the back pockets of her jeans and exiting the kitchen without a word, hearing his snickers bounce off the walls and echo throughout the house.

It may take a while but he was getting little bits and pieces of his old Demi back, whether she knew it or not. And maybe her memory wouldn't come with that but if she could just remember within herself why she had fallen in love with him again, that'd be enough.

Short and sweet just like me! leave me some feedback please :)

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