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And suddenly, everything had changed.

Although it was nice to have an explanation as to why she had felt so weird in the past month, and why, even if it had gone unnoticed by her, she had missed the last two cycles of her period, and why Nolie had been so clingy, it didn't make her feel any better. Everything around her seemed to be falling apart and now she had to bring another life into this world, and take care of them, and nurture them like only a mother could. Was that even possible? Could she even get herself to that mental state of mind, to be able to do that? She had done it before, not that she could remember, but she did. Was Joe gonna be there for her? Did she even want him there for her?

"Everything felt too good to be true when I woke up. The perfect house, the perfect marriage, the perfect child; it was too good to be true. Now it's nothing but a nightmare," she quietly stated before turning and leaving the den, not even bothering to say goodbye to her daughter or take a second glance at his love child. She just simply left, because that was always the easier option...wasn't it?

It was late, late enough to be dark outside, and she knew that she shouldn't have gone to his house of all places, but she didn't know who else to turn to. He had been the one, her rock, the one who picked her up when she was down for so many years, something about it, something about seeking comfort in his arms, just seemed so natural.

"Demi," he took in her disgruntled appearance, her tear stained face, and her lack of even breathing, and instantly opened the door wider. Their system that they had lived upon for so long had been thrown off for so long after she went back to Joe, but he still knew exactly what to do.

"I don't know what to do anymore," she cried, falling into his arms and instantly burying her face into the crook of his neck, melting and shivering as his warmness overtook her, and he wrapped his strong arms around her tiny little frame, and led her further into the house.

"Nothing is the way that I thought it would be. Nothing is good," she sobbed, tears rolling down her cheeks in a continuous trail as he simply kissed her forehead and threw a cashmere blanket over her, after lying down with her.

"I can't have another baby...not like this," to say he was shocked was the least. When had she and Joe even found the time to make another baby? Last time he checked, Demi was still on defense about the way her entire life had turned out. He guessed that things had changed, but judging how she was barely able to breathe, and how it seemed that if he didn't hold her together, she would fall apart right in front of him, that nothing had changed, yet somehow everything did.

"I'm here for you. You know that. Our rings weren't just romantic promises. They were promises made from love and friendship, and I don't plan on breaking any of the promises that I made you, not now, not ever," he reassured her, causing her to just nod and finally close her eyes. She clutched his shirt in her hands and turned into his chest, desperately attempting to erase her mind from every clouding thought, just so that she could get a good night's sleep for once in the past two months.

It was noon when Wilmer finally woke her up, saying that she needed to eat something, and that he had called her doctor to make an appointment to see how far along she was. Maria walked into the kitchen, watching as Wilmer cut up Demi's pancakes and then slid the plate over to her. She lowered her head, knowing that she had overstepped so many boundaries by coming last night, without even having the decency to call, but Maria didn't even seem bothered by it...just curious.

"I'm sorry for just showing up at your house," Demi apologized, stabbing a piece of the pancake and twirling it around in the syrup before bringing it up to her mouth, "I should've called first or something. I'm really sorry for intruding."

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