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I know it's short but it's better than nothing. I'll try to get another part written tomorrow and then more next week. :)

She was afraid to walk inside of her own house. It wasn't that she was scared of Joe; she was just scared of telling him the news. The uncertainty of his reaction was what really scared her. She didn't want him to react in a negative way, but she also knew that she was asking a lot from him, like he was asking a lot from her. He wanted her to forget the things that she couldn't remember, like the fact that she had somehow chosen him over Wilmer, and the imperfections in their marriage. And she wanted him to accept that she did want to remember things, even if they were bad things, because it was something. Until they reached a common ground, there would always be conflict.

From Wilmer: go in.

Demi tucked her phone inside of her pocket and took a deep breath before reaching out and turning the gold door knob, letting herself into her house and looking around for any sign of Joe. She spotted Sophie in the living room, sitting on the couch in front of the large flat screen with a bowl of Cheez-Its on her lap. She did look a lot like Joe, and she briefly wondered if this baby would favor Joe more than her, since Nolie already looked so much like her.

"Hi Demi," Sophie greeted, not letting her eyes leave the TV. She seemed shy and quiet, but if she was in her position, she wouldn't want to say much either.

"Where's your dad?" Sophie pointed upstairs and with one final uneasy look, Demi headed up the stairs and listened out for Joe. She entered their bedroom, which had turned into his bedroom, and saw him sitting on the bed with his iPad. He immediately put it down as he saw her come in, and cleared his throat.

"Are you ready to talk like a mature adult or are you just gonna run away again?" Joe questioned as Demi furrowed her eyebrows and let her eyes meet his.

"You've been anything but mature throughout this entire situation. Mature adults don't lie. All you are is a liar, who tried to make things perfect to escape the reality that is our marriage. It's not perfect and you should've never made me think that," Demi sneered, causing Joe to stand up off of the bed and walk over to her.

"I did that to protect you! Why do you not understand that? Did you want to wake up to an imperfect world? A world filled with secrets and lies?"

"That is what I woke up to! You're not making anything any easier, and I don't even know why I came back after you kicked me out because it was too hard for you! For you! I'm not the one who gave up, you are," Demi spat, tears streaming down her cheeks as Joe threw his hands into the air, symbolizing his surrender.

"No, you gave up with me. We haven't done anything together in the two months that you've had amnesia, but we gave up together," Joe breathed out, not wanting to yell or scream or fight with her anymore. It was like they had given up all over again.

"Well we can't give up now..." Demi breathed out as Joe's eyebrows knitted together and she went to sit at the end of the bed, facing away from him so that she wouldn't have to look him in the eye. She placed a hand over her stomach and shut her eyes, lowering her head as her hair made a dark curtain around her face, and she let her tears fall down again.

"I'm pregnant," she choked out. Joe faced her, lowering himself to his knees so that he could see her face.

"I'm pregnant," she repeated, opening her eyes to see his reaction. His face was blank, his mouth was agape, and he looked completely frozen. More tears ran down her porcelain cheeks as Joe listened to her quiet sobs, finally snapping out of it.


"I'm two months along and I'm scared, Joe. I'm really scared and I know that there's no way that I'll be able to do this alone. I need you, Joe. I really need you. Not only because of my amnesia, but I can just feel it. I don't want to leave and I don't want you to leave me, because I need you. We need you," she grabbed his hand and placed it over hers, finally locking her eyes with his, looking for some type of reassurance, so she could know that everything would be okay, and that she had nothing to be scared of.

"I know I can't remember loving you, but if you're gonna stay I will try so hard. I'll keep trying and trying, even if everything doesn't come back to me. I won't stop because I really need you with me for this. Forget everything that happened, okay? And I'll forget it too. I need you just like you need me," Joe slowly began to nod, standing up and pushing her hair off of her face before he caressed her full cheeks in his hands and pressed his lips against hers.

"Love me? Even if I don't know that I love you?" Demi murmured against his lips as he nodded, placing his lips on top of hers again before letting their foreheads rest against each other's.

"This is our redemption. This is our fresh start," Demi nodded and shut her eyes, and for the first time since she had woken up, she felt completely at peace, with everything. And for once, she felt like things were actually gonna be okay.

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