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Demi entered her closet after breakfast. She had only just woken up from whatever type of induced coma she had been forced into after her accident, as Joe explained it, and she already felt like she was suffocating. She could feel Joe's disappointment in the fact that she couldn't remember their marriage, and she wasn't sure how much longer she could pretend that she completely remembered Nolie because she didn't.

She looked through the clothes hanging up and folded on the shelves, running her fingers over all of the material with a shake of her head. Her style had obviously changed. Her closet had probably tripled in size because as she could remember, she wasn't too worried about top designer brands or anything. She just wanted cute clothes. But everything in this closet was from some expensive designer and a majority of the clothes still had tags on them. Demi grimaced, just imagining the amount of money that had been spent on all of these clothes and shoes and accessories. She snatched down a pair of Miss Me skinny jeans, a simple white v neck, and a pair of cool suede blue heels. If she couldn't remember how she normally dressed, she was just gonna have to go with the flow.

Demi entered the ensuite bathroom and sighed in relief. At least she still used the same toiletries.

"You're going out today," she looked up into the mirror and saw Joe behind her. She set her clothes down on the table by the bath tub and turned around, nervously tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She felt like she was walking on glass with him. She didn't want to say anything to make him even more upset than he obviously already was but she also didn't want to pretend to love him when she knew that she didn't...because she couldn't remember.

"Yeah, I'm gonna take Nolie out and meet up with Dallas," Demi said as Joe nodded and stroked the hair above his upper lip that wasn't there yesterday.

"She'll like that," Joe said as Demi clucked her tongue and turns towards the shower. She felt like at any moment the room was gonna close in on the two of them, and they wouldn't be able to breathe, which was what it had felt like since she woke up yesterday. And it only got worse the longer she stayed with him.

"I'll leave you to it. But um, take the Mercedes when you leave, we have to get a new Range Rover," Joe commanded before leaving the bathroom, finally letting her breathe.

"Come on princess," Demi knocked on Nolie's open door, seeing her sitting on the couch in her room watching cartoons. Nolie turned towards her mother, already dressed and ran towards her.

"You have to do my hair. Daddy doesn't know how to do it like you do," Nolie said as Demi set her purse down and combed her fingers through Nolie's hair. It was pretty much perfect, curling in cute little ringlets at the end. Demi parted the front of her hair with her fingers, putting a small fish tail braid so that it hung down with the rest of her hair. She looked at what Nolie was wearing, a little pink dress, and found a pale pink blow, tucking it into where the braid started.

"Am I as pretty as you now mommy?" Nolie asked with a wide smile, two dimples imprinted on either side of her mouth.

"You're even prettier," Demi kissed her nose and grabbed her hand, helping her down the stairs.

Joe pointed towards the door that led out of the kitchen and into the laundry room and Demi shot him a small smile before exiting the house. She searched around the walls for the button to open the garage but suddenly it opened and she figured Joe was responsible for that.

She searched for the Mercedes and raised her eyebrow as she saw the sleek black one that she remembered buying on her sixteenth birthday sitting at the end of the row. And since there was no other Mercedes, Demi assumed that he meant that one.

"Mommy, we going to meet up with Auntie Dal, right?" Nolie asked from her car seat in the back.

"Yes baby," Demi replied, pulling out of the garage and down the circular driveway. She probably would've cried if she had forgotten how to drive.

"Mommy can you play your CD? The fourth one," Nolie asked as Demi searched in the CD compartment and slipped the last CD that she remembered recording into the player. The first song, "Heart Attack" came on and she smiled at the memories of recording it and revealing it to the world for the first time, even though it technically leaked before she got the chance.

At the first red light that they reached, Demi pulled her phone out and thanked God that there wasn't a lock code on it. She looked through her contacts until she found Dallas's number and called it before continuing down the road, even though she wasn't sure where she was or where she was going.

"Hey," Dallas answered and Demi smiled at her familiar voice. Their talk yesterday had been brief before her family had left her alone with Joe and Nolie.

"Hey, um, I'm driving but I don't really know where I'm going. Do you still live at the same house or should we meet somewhere?" Demi checked the rearview mirror, making sure that Nolie was okay back there, as if it was an instinct.

"Me and Rob still live at the same house so you can just go there. Just put the address into your GPS, you should've told Joe not to move all the way out to Beverly Hills," Dallas joked as Demi pulled into an empty parking lot to access her GPS and tensed up at Dallas's little joke.

"Yeah well I don't even remember agreeing to move in with him," Demi spat as Dallas sighed into the phone.

"I didn't mean it like that. Sorry," Dallas apologized as Demi snorted before hanging the phone up. She rested her forehead against the steering wheel, forgetting that she was wearing make up as she let a few tears slip from her eyes.

"Mommy are you okay?" Nolie asked, tilting her head to the side.

No I'm not, Demi wanted to answer.Someone help me, someone tell me why I ended up like this, she silently pleaded before lifting her head up again and wiping her tears away.

"Mommy is fine," Demi replied with an obviously fake smile, but it was enough to please Nolie.

No you're not, her insides screamed.

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