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I personally hated this chapter bc I was rushing and I kept rewriting it and then I smushed all of what I had written together and idk if anyone is even still interested in this story but here it is :)

"But mommy I thought you were staying with us," Nolie whined, poking out her adorably pink bottom lip as Demi shrugged back into her jacket and weaved her hands underneath her hair to pull it out of her collar. Demi knelt back down to her daughter's height, daughter she couldn't even remember but somehow found herself loving more than life itself, caressing her chubby cheeks and placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I just have some errands to run but when I come back we'll spend some time together but for now you need to stay with Auntie Dallas and Uncle Rob," Demi explained, looking up at Dallas who had her eyebrows sewed together in confusion. The plan had been for them to hang out together and Demi was gonna do that until she began to scroll through her phone and made contact with the person that she was sure she was supposed to be married to.

"Okay," Nolie breathed out, wrapping her arms around Demi's neck who kissed the top of her head before pulling away and letting her run further into the house. Dallas folded her arms over her chest and stared at her sister, who she had known her entire life but somehow the girl standing in front of her just wasn't her. She understood that she had experienced a traumatic accident and she knew she had amnesia but the Demi that everyone had known for the past six years had to be deep down inside of there somewhere. They just had to find her and she just had to find herself...again.

"I'll be back in two hours tops, I'm just going to meet up with someone," Demi justified as Dallas shook her head and placed both of her hands on Demi's shoulders.

"Demi, why are you trying to seek out the past? I know you wanna know what you missed but can't you just accept that this is now? Nolie and Joe? That's your present and your future, Demi. It's not 2013 anymore," Demi shook her head and shoved Dallas's hands off of her. She didn't know what it was forget everything that people are telling you you're supposed to remember. To wake up in a house that you would never even consider living in. To marry a man you don't remember ever loving again or ever forgiving. To come face to face with a child that you carried for nine months, that you gave birth to, but not even being able to remember her name.

"You don't know what I'm going through right now," she felt a few tears leave her eyes and she used the back of her hand to swipe them away before digging her keys out of her purse and exiting the house. She slipped into her car and rested her forehead on the steering wheel, trying to recollect herself. She had barely even been awake in 2019 for a full day and she was already tired of it. She wanted to go back to the past, back to what she knew. This unfamiliar territory was gonna kill her before it made her happy.

She pulled into the circular driveway and looked at the towering, sun bleached structure. The memories they had made inside of that very house were unforgettable but Demi couldn't find herself missing it even though she wanted to because she felt like she should be.

She walked to the front doors and knocked three times, just like she always used to. Had she visited him in the past six years? Were they still as close as they used to be even though she was married? Did they keep their promises to always be there for each other, regardless of the circumstance of their relationship?

"Hi," the person who opened the door had an accent but it wasn't his. She looked up and saw a gorgeous Latina woman standing there. She was the full package. Curvy body, tanned skin, flowing caramel hair, gorgeous dark eyes. Demi furrowed her eyebrows and took a step back, suddenly feeling out of place. She felt like she knew the woman but her mind wasn't the making the connections and all she could do was stare.

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