10. Family dinner

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I was in the kitchen cooking when Luke walked in with some bags. He set them on the counter and walked over to me and hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey little Calum." He ruffled my hair. Then rubbed my stomach. "Hey little Cliffords." I swat his hands away. Luke was like my male best friend. I practically told him everything. It's always been like that. He even knew about my crush on Michael before anyone else did. He helped set us up then. He sat on the counter as I cooked. I cooked some Chicken Alfredo and garlic bread. The boys love my pasta.

"So Lucas how's life treating you?" He rolled his eyes at the name.

"Good I guess. Single as ever. Busy with work. Blah blah blah." Luke works at a music shop. He also does guitar lessons on the side. "Heard about your dad. Well your uncle?"

"Yeah. Like I don't know why he freaked like that. I can understand the disappointment. I mean hell my mom and Calum and Michael's parents are disappointed but they are supporting us in our decisions on raising them. And plus I don't know how mom kept this huge secret from us our whole lives. I think it's great our uncle stepped up to the plate but I don't know it's all to much Luke. And now with everything with Amber and job looking." I sighed and shook my head.

"Here." Luke jumped down and started massaging my shoulders. They just felt tense. I was stirring the sauce when Ashton walked in. He raised an eyebrow at us. He walked past and grabbed a water bottle and walked out. It's always been like this. Honestly I was really close with them all. I mean it was bound for me to end up pregnant by one of them or end up with one. Michael happen to be both. Now I just don't know what we are.

"What?" Luke spoke and brought me out of my thoughts.


"It's something." He stopped and sat back on the counter to look at me.

"I'm very confused right now."


"My feelings for Michael. Like I don't know if I still have them or what."

"Out of everybody that night at the party you ended up in his bed. You didn't go home with anyone else that night. And I remember everything from that night. I didn't have that much to drink. You were walking around here looking for Michael and screamed out a couple times how you love him. I mean yeah you was plastard but if you don't still have feelings for him then you wouldn't have done that. Okay here just think about this. Have you moved on from him?"

"Yes I've had boyfriends after him."

"No I mean feeling wise. Have you loved or attempted to love after him. When you kiss them do you think of Michael? When y'all make love does Michael pop in your head? Now think about when your with Michael how do you feel?" I sat and thought for a second.

"It's different when I'm with Michael yeah he makes me feel like I can concur anything. I can take on the world. But that's just me. I don't know how he feels about me." I shook my head in confusion.

"I can tell you this. That night at the party he was focus on you completely since the moment he saw you walk in. He even dropped Rebecca for you. I can see when he looks at you your the only girl he sees." I nod at what he said. I couldn't help but feel giddy after the mention of how he dropped Rebecca for me. Rebecca is a grade A slut. Shes very well known.

"I just dont know what I want. He may not want to be together. I don't know. I'm just getting ahead of myself." I whispered out.


"And plus I wouldn't know about the making love part." I looked down at the sauce pot.

"You mean you haven't slept with anyone besides Michael?" I bit my lip and nod.

"But y'all haven't been together since high school." I looked up at him. His face went to shock "Y'all been sneaking around?"

"Yes okay sshh before anyone hears you." I whispered yelled. Luke held a gloating smile. I rolled my eyes and poured the sauce over the noodles and chicken. I put mozzarella and crumbled up Ritz on top and baked it for a few mintues. I placed all the bread on a serving plate and set it on the table. Luke help me set the table and went to go get a chair for me.

I took the pan out of the oven and placed it in the middle of the table. I hollered for the boys to come eat. They all ran in and found a place to sit. I sat between Michael and Calum. Michael handed me a plate with some pasta and bread on it. I smiled and thanked him. We all started eating. We talked and laughed. We reminisce on old times. I started cleaning up after everyone was done eating. I walked back into the dinning room. They busted out the cards. I sat in the chair and laid my head on Calum's shoulder.

"What are y'all playing?"

"Go fish." I sat up.

"Are you serious? That's a kid's game." They didn't pay attention to me. I laid my head back down and rubbed my bump. It was Luke's turn.

"Calum do you have any.." He was looking at his cards and then up at me he blinked three times and I nod lightly. "Threes."

"Here." He handed him a three. This went one for a little while longer. I'll switch from Michael to Calum. Whichever one Luke wanted to ask. That was till Ashton spoke.

"Oh no I'm done!" He threw his cards down.

"What the hell man we in the middle of a game!" Calum shouted.

"They doing it again. This is why I don't play when they both play. They team up." He shouted.

"Who?" Michael asked confused. Luke and I try not to laugh.

"Luke and Lexi!" He pointed to us. Cal and Michael through their card down.

"Again Lexi?" Michael looked at me. I bit back a smile. I batted my eyes at him and try to give an innocent look. He just laughed.

"Okay we need to have a roommate meeting." Calum spoke up. We all stopped talking. He went on to explain my situation. The guys all looked at him as he spoke. I just sat there with my head on Michael's shoulder with his arm around me. I didn't know how we ended up like this.

"So I suggest that she could stay here for awhile. What y'all say?" They all looked at each other.

"Of course I say yes." Luke smiled at me.

"Leke." We both said and smiled.

"As long as she doesn't cheat no more it's fine with me." Ashton crossed his arms. I laughed.

"I'm not gonna cheat anymore Ashton." I rolled my eyes.

"Good. Now it's not like I'm going to say no. Your like my little sister as well. But your not as sweet as Lauren." I laughed and flipped him off. They all turned to Michael. I figure he would talk first.

"Really guys. I figured my vote was known." He smarted. They continue to state at him. "It's a yes! What kind of guy would I be if I didn't let my baby mama carrying my babies stay in the apartment?"

"You better had say yes or I was gonna kick your ass." Calum spoke. We all laughed. Soon it was settled. I'm moving in with the boys.

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