22. Big black hole

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I woke up in my bed not even caring how I got there. I just shuffled to my bathroom for a shower. I stood under the shower head letting g the water run down my body. I rubbed my belly. They must still be asleep. After I washed I got out. I dried off and went to my bedroom. I dressed in my sports bra and regular cotton panties. I pulled on a pair black leggings and a grey silk kafton. I slipped on my sandles. I walked out of my room and to the kitchen. I just grabbed a bagel and bottle of water. I saw eveyone was in my living room but I didn't acknowledge it. I just walked out to my car with my stuff. I was like a robot driving. It was like I wasn't even there. I was on autopilot. I parked in an empty spot at the doctor office. I heard my phone going off but I ignored it. I grabbed my purse and keys. I walked into the doctors office and sign in. I went to sit in a corner by myself. I just laid my hand on my stomach. Man these twins are sleeping a lot today. It wasn't long till Michael walked in. He followed me to the back. I didn't pay attention to him. I did the regular test they do everytime and I was shown to a room. To wait. I took a chance to look at Michael. He had a black eye and a busted lip. I wonder what happen.

"What's up with new additions?" He cut his eyes over to me and went back to looking straight ahead.

"Don't worry about it." I nod and went back to looking at the posters around the room until the doctor walked in. She greeted us. I laid back and pulled my shirt up so she can see the babies. She turned the screen to us and ran the instrument over my belly. The twins came into view. I noticed she scrunched her eyebrows together.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yes. They have all their limbs and finger and toes. I'm just worried about their heart rate."

"What you mean?" Michael asked.

"It's lower then normal. Especially this far along." She took the wand off of me and gave me paper towels to clean myself off. She walked over to my file when she turned the lights on.

"Okay I see your blood pressure is real high. Lexi have you been under a lot of stress?" I was getting g worried.

"Yes ma'am." She nod.

"The stress your in during is stressing the babies. And since it's twins it's already a high risk pregnancy and now that you have high blood pressure and their heart rate is low makes it even higher."

"How low is their heart rate?" Michael ask. I couldn't speak. I was scared. My hands automatically wrapped around them to protect them.

"The normal rate is 120 to 140. Baby A is at 115 and baby B is at 110." I gasp. I wanted to cry. My poor babies.

"What can we do?" I heard him ask. I felt him stand up beside me. At the moment I didn't care he laid a hand on my on our babies.

"I'm putting you on strict bed rest. I mean no getting up unless going to the bathroom. No sexual activity
Do not exert yourself in anyway." I nod. "I also want to ask about your mental health. Some women suffer antemortem depression. It's depression during pregnancy." I just looked at her. She nod in understanding. She wrote in a pad. She tore off the paper and handed it to me.

"It a prescription for your depression and high blood pressure. Don't worry. It's safe and low dosage. Don't forget your prenatal everyday and come back in a week." She walked out leaving me there. I stood up and grabbed my purse. I walked out and made an appointment for a week. I left after it was made and walked out to my car. I heard Michael run up to me

"Lexi wait."

"What Michael? You heard her I don't need to be stressed."

"I just want to say I'm sorry for last night. I just think we need sometime. Let's take this week."

"What if I need you for the babies?" I asked.

"Well text me if anything change. I'm still a text are call away." He went to walk off. I watch as he got in his car and drove off. I feel like I'm suppose to hurt but I'm not. I feel numb. I got in the car and went toy pharmacy. I fill my prescription and went home.

I grabbed a bottle of water and bag of veggie chips. It's healthier then regular chips. I went to my room and sent out a group chat for my condition. I try calling my mom but she didn't answer. I grabbed my laptop and turned on netflix. I guess I'm netflix and chill by myself. I ate my chips and drank my water.

I heard my door open and someone walking down the hall to my room. It was Luke. He came over and laid down beside me. He didn't say anything for awhile. I welcome the silence. He knows me well enough to just to be physically here right now. I put the chips on the nightstand and my water. I rolled over on my side.

"I'm scared Luke." He started rubbing my hair.

"Don't be. Just do what the doctor tells you to do. Try not to think about it cause if you think you stress. Just think about being on vaction." I smiled.

"Like the time you broke your leg and had to spend days in the bed and I spent it with you?"

"Exactly. Now go to sleep baby bird." He started rubbing my hair to I drifted to sleep.

I woke up sometime later to something smelling good. I heard talking and laughing. I looked around and couldn't find Luke. I grabbed my phone and sent out a group text saying I'm awake cause I didn't know who was all here. I heard some stomping and knew everyone was coming in. Mavis ran to lay beside me and held me. Calum sat on the other side of me. Ashton at my feet and Luke by my legs. I looked over at Calum's knuckles. They were bruised and busted. I looked up at him. He held a stern espressionless face.

"He wants a break. Just for this week and see where it gets us." I calmly say. They just looked at me with worry, sadden expression. I had none.

"I'm sorry Lex." Mavis just rubbed my back.

"It's fine I'm over it." I sat up and looked dher in the eye."

"Lexi you okay?" Calum asked me.

"Besides my babies, why wouldn't I be?"

"You have never been okay about Michael and after last night I don't think you are." Luke answer. I looked over ant him confused.

"What happen last night?" I was drawing a blank.

"You snapped. You broke and destroyed things. You started screaming and crying. Till you just passed out. Surprised cops weren't called. It was like it wasn't even you last night." Ashton explained.

"Almost like a mental breakdown." Mavis whispered.

"Like now it's you. You're emotionless." Calum looked at me with worry. I just nod my head.

"I'm hungry." I whispered. I don't know what to say because I don't know what I'm feeling.

"I don't know." I whispered. I have no feelings. Everything numb and empty." I hung my head. I eventually laid down. They all got up one at a time and left. Mavis walked over and took my shoes off and covered me up. Calum came back with an plate of food and water. I just rolled over when he tried to hand it to me. I didn't want to eat. I didn't want to do nothing. He walked off. I felt the bed dip.

"Lexi babe you need to eat. You're pregant." I heard Luke soothly speak. I didn't look at him. Just my wall straight ahead. He left. It was getting darker out. My mind was blank for once. No thoughts bounced around. I heard heels echoing in the hall. It was fast pace.

"Alexandra Ruth Hood." My mother walked in my eyesight she had a plate of food in her hand. She stepped out of her shoes and sat on the bed. "Baby you got to eat something. Maybe not all of this but something." I just looked at her. She let out a sigh and pressed her lips together in a straight line.

"If you don't they will definetly die." I looked down at the bed and then at her. I nod my head and tried to get up. I felt hands on me helping. I looked over at Calum helping me. I took the plate and took a small bite of the meat. I force myself to eat some more. I ate some of the vegetables as well. I ate maybe a third of it before I handed it to mom. She took it and handed me a glass of milk. I drank it. It tasted different. But I still drank it. I laid down and closed my eyes.

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