25. Baby names

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I walked into the kitchen for a glass of milk. I was having bad heartburn and I didn't feel like having tums. Michael walked in with some bags. He set them on the counter. He walked over and kissed my forhead and rubbed my stomach. Then he did his usual greeting to them and they moved around at the sound of his voice. I just smiled. I walked into the living room and sat down.

"Whats in the bags?" I asked. He smiled at me.

"I brought food. Well it's nothing major mostly your favorite sandwich from the bakery and some chips and ranch dip. I also bright other snacks. Oh and a couple sprites just in case." I smiled at him. I'm glad he didn't get pizza or tacos. My heart burn couldn't handle all that grease. He was rummaged g around in the kitchen putting things away. He came back with my sandwich on a plate. He set it in my lap and set the chips and dip beside me. He looked over at the table.

"What's that?" He walked aback to the kitchen.

"It's a list I started for baby names. I figure we could come up with some ideas tonight." I took a bite of my sandwich. My eyes rolled back. " Oh my god this so good."

"I'm glad you got your appetite back." He sat down next to me with his sandwich. He leaned over and grabbed the book and my notepad. He was reading over it. And mumbling things.

"What's wrong with Frederick and Fiona?"

"No. So we doing the same letter first name?"

"Yes." I continued shoving my face. He went through the book.

"Okay what about Chloe and Charles?" I scrunch my face up.

"Next." I turned so my back was pressed against the arm rest.

"Haden and Harper?"

"I like Harper." He wrote it down on the girls side. He continued on calling out names. We switched to me calling some out. We had tons of names written down. He took my plate off my lap and set it on the table along with his. He grabbed my chips and dip and did the same. I stretched my legs and he went to rubbing them.

"Andrew and Ava?" I kept reading baby names.

"I like both of those."

"So do I." I rubbed my belly. "What y'all think Andrew and Ava?" I felt two kicks. I looked up and Michael and laughed.

"I guess they like too." I wrote it down and circled it. Now the middle names.

"Should we do random names for the middle or same letter?" I asked.

"Let's do same letter. It's cute." I just smiled. Okay let's see. I flipped pages to read names.

"Ava Harper and Andrew Hugh?"

"That sounds good." He nodded.

"We have a Mr. Andrew Hugh Clifford and a Miss Ava Harper Clifford. I like the sound of that." I rubbed my belly. Happy to finally gave them names. My phone started ringing. Michael grabbed it and handed it to me. It was Mavis.


"Hey I need to come by and talk with you about something. Be there in two seconds." She hung up. I looked over at Michael who was staring at my boobs.

"Really dude?"

"What they all exposed and put on display."

"Yeah not for your enjoyment." I scoffed. I was irritated but at samething turned on. Mavis came busting through the door and came to sit on the living room with us. She handed me a pint of ice cream and a spoon.

"Your my best friend." She just laughed.

"Okay I was gonna do something stupid but everyone talked me out of it. I was going to through you a surprise baby shower. But everyone jumped down my throat and telling me not too. I'm glad I had known cause eif this turned out right I was gonna give you surprise birthday party after the babies are born." They are due a month before my birthday. And I'm glad she's not cause I really hate surprises. I had one surprise birthday party when I turn thirteen. I destroyed everything. I just can't handle them like normal kids do.

"Good." I said with a mouth full of ice cream.

"I was thinking of throwing it in a month. On a saturday. Over at the boys house so you won't have to worry about a mess or anything else. I'm taking care of invatation and planning it. All I need from you is to show up and look cute." I just smiled at her. She was on a roll with this party planning.

"Also I'm going to the party store tomorrow. You can come if you like but don't have too. I'm only inviting you to get you out of the house on a Saturday." She smiled. I just smiled. She's really doing this so is don't slip back under."

"Sure. But I like to sleep late." She giggled.

"That's fine." She noticed the book. "Baby names?" I nod and handed her my notepad.

"Those are cute names." She took a picture of it. "Just in case. And I'm also telling everyone to contact me about any questions concerning baby shower and gifts. I don't want you have to deal with it. Beside it's what I'm training to do." She gloated. Which is true she is. She works for the biggest event planner in town. I let a yawn and set my ice cream on the table.

"Well I better be going Luke is expecting me." She got up and left. I laid my head against the couch, closing my eyes.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed." I nod and allowed him to help me up. He lead me to the bed and I crawled in it. He pulled the covers up to my shoulders. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. He went to move but I grabbed his hand. Looking up at him.

"Please lay down with me." I begged. He complied. He stripped down to his red brief boxers. He climbed under the covers next to me. I scooted closer so I was laying my head on his chest.

"You know this stupid pink thing is annoying." He never like my squiggle pillow. But mom was right. I love this thing. I drifted off to sleep. Snuggle tightly against him. My last thought was poor Frank.

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