14. Drama at its finest

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I eventually text Frank and told him I was available. In fact I invited him to a party we was throwing. It was just a small get together. We was gonna grill out and there will be alcohol. I told him about the pregnancy and they were Michael's. At first he was standoffish but eventually came around after I explain to him everything and that Michael has someone. I didn't tell him that I had feelings for him still. I'll just keep that secret to myself.

After I dried off I went to my dresser and grabbed my strapless bra and a pair of cloth cheeky underwear. I dressed in those and went to my closet to find a pretty dress to wear. I found a pretty lavender strapless dress. It was flowy. I pulled it on and went to zip it up the side but it couldn't go far cause of my boobs. They have really grown. I was getting frustrated. I heard a knock and Calum walked in. I raised my arm and he walked over to help.

"Why are you so antsy? It's just a party. " He tried to zip.

"Cause it's kinda my first date with Frank." I heard him mutter a few cuss words. "I just want y'all to like him. He's a sweet guy." He started yanking. I pushed my boobs flatter. He hollered for Ashton. He came in with Luke following. They all gather around to try to zip it up. I was being yanked and shoved every which way.

"Yes!" They shouted. They got it to zip up. I looked down and saw my nipple almost poking out. I went to the mirror and my statement was proven right. I sigh and went to my closet. I unzipped and found a pretty tie-dye summer dress and pulled it on. I walked out and they all cheered. I laughed. They left me to get ready. I really am nervous. I want them to like him. I don't know why I'm worried about it. I'm not sure we gonna last a long time.

I was putting on the finishing touches of my make up when I heard some ruckus. I walked out into the living room. They were moving things around and getting ready. Michael and Ashton picked up the coffee table and moved it a little. They slide the chair back some. A Keg was off in the corner of the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen to get the party snacks ready. The door bell rang and I went to open it. Luke's girlfriend I'm going to guess walked in. We went into the kitchen to finish getting ready. She was real sweet. Her name was Mavis. The boys were fussing about where should things go. The door bell rang again. I ran to open the door. Frank was standing there in a pair of jeans and a band shirt. I told him to dress casual and he did. He bent down and kissed my cheek. I grabbed his hand and led him to the living room.

"Come meet my brother and the boys." We walked in on Luke and Calum wrestling. I rolled my eyes.

"Guys!" They stopped and looked at me. "This is Frank. Frank this is my brother Calum. This Luke and Ashton and you know Michael." They all shook hands. They were all quiet and staring at him.

"What are your intentions with my sister?" Calum spoke.

"Nothing to bad. Just some sweet innocent fun." He smiled Calum nod.

"Have you taken any fighting classes like kick boxing or martial arts?" Luke asked. I just rolled my eyes.

"Can't say that I have." He was nervous. I grabbed his hand and squeezed.

"Good. Cause if you hurt our Lexi we will hunt you down and hurt you." Ashton threaten.

"Okay that's enough." I spoke up. I took a chance to take a peek at Michael. But he was on his phone. He didn't care. Why does that hurt? I left him with the boys to talk some more and went into the kitchen to finish helping.

More people showed up and the party was starting. I walked around to find Frank. He was standing in the kitchen talking about a band with Ashton. I pushed him and stepped beside Frank. I grabbed his hand and dragged him off. I lead him to the dance floor and we danced some. He hasn't had much to drink. I snatched a cookie out of Luke's hand as he walked by. He didn't even noticed he was so drunk. Frank just laughed.

After dancing for awhile we sat down on the couch. I curled up beside him and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his hand on my leg. He was talking to some random dude he knew. I noticed Michael and Rebecca making out on the dance floor. I rolled my eyes and looked away. This party will last forever. I stood up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed me a bottle of water. Frank followed me in here. I grabbed him one as well.

"You must don't drink much?"

"No I'm not big into it. Never been my scene." He smiled. We continued talking about everything under the moon. He was a very interesting guy. He pulled out his phone.

"It's getting late." I looked at mine. I saw I had a text. I'll read it later.

"It is. You don't have to go home. You can spend the night with me." I looked up at him. He smiled am bent down to kiss my cheek.

"Maybe next time doll." Such a gentleman. I walked him out and went to my room to lay down. On the way there I walked past Michael's room and saw him sitting on,his bed making out with Rebecca. I looked down and walked off. I need to let that go. I don't know why I'm so sad over that. I open my door and crawled into bed. I am not looking forward to cleaning up the apartment tomorrow.

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