chapter seven

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It was a while before the doctor came in, and I looked at Jake, just to make sure he was still there. The doctor stuck out her hand once again, like she didn't remember me.  

"Hello, I'm Dr. Rodriquez." She shook my hand with a firm grip. 

"Ellie Jackson."  

She shook Jake's hand. 

"Jake Martin." He said in his deep voice.  

"Are you her brother?" She asked him. He smirked a bit. 

"No, the father of the baby." The way he said father made my stomach errupt into butterflies and I felt a smile on my face. Jake must have caught it from the corner of his eye, because he squeezed my hand, his smile growing bigger when I squeezed back.  

"So, Ellie, you wanted to get an abortion?"  

"I uh no, I-we changed our minds." I stuttered. She nodded, and pursed her lips.  

"Well, alright. Have you thought about birthing options?" My face dropped. 


"Well, it might be something you want to discuss with your parents." I couldn't help the grimace that made its way to my face.


" I don't have any parents." Ellie's voice echoed around the small room. I started dragging my thumb across her knuckles, noticing the small tears forming in her beautiful brown eyes.  

"Can you tell us the options?" I spoke up, distracting the doctor. She nodded and walked out, only to come back a few seconds later with a bunch of pamphlets.

She spread them out and I quickly skimmed the titles.

*Delivering in a Hospital 

*Delivering at a Birthing Center 

*Birth at Home 

*Choosing a Water Birth

Ellie reached for the first one, like I knew she would. I was kinda curious what a water birth was, so I quickly snatched that one up.

I opened it up, looking awkward I'm sure. 

The first line said  

"You don't need to be certified in scuba to deliver your baby under the sea-and these days you can opt for this alternative birth even in more-traditional settings." 

I smirked. 

"A baby spends nine months doing water ballet in a warm pool of amniotic fluid, and then makes a sudden, harsh entrance into the cold, bright (and dry) world. Advocates of water birth say that letting the baby arrive in conditions that mimic those of the womb - warm and wet - can make that entry more peaceful and reduce a baby's stress.

If you're opting for a water birth, you'll labor in a warm tub or pool, kept at approximate body temperature (95 to about 100 degrees, but no more than 101, because your body temperature could rise, causing the baby's heart rate to increase). Cold cloths and spray bottles and plenty of water will keep you refreshed (as much as possible - you're having a baby, after all), while the baby's condition is monitored by your certified nurse-midwife or other medical personnel with an underwater Doppler device. As childbirth culminates, the baby will be pulled gently into the soothing water and then slowly lifted into your arms. Your partner can be in the water with you - to support you and play catch (literally) with the baby. 

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