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I cuddle farther into Jake's chest as my alarm goes off. I groan and sit up, hearing Jake shift beside me. I kiss his lips softly before trying to wiggle out of bed, only to be stopped and brought down to his chest again.  

"You can sleep longer. She'll come get us in time, I promise babe." I nod, even though his eyes are still closed and he can't see me. . He was right. Lili would come get us in time. My heart beats faster as I think about our daughter getting ready for her wedding.

Jake and I were now in our early fourties. Lili was 23, getting married to a man her age named Greyson. He lived next door when we moved to a small duplex for our first family house. We kept in touch with their family, always hanging out, so it wasn't that big of a shocker when they started dating.

But Jake and I never thought he'd have the balls to ask her to marry him.

The whole while they were dating, we constantly reminded her not to have sex. Sure, she was a gift to us, and I would never call her mistake. But there are some things I didn't get to do that I wanted to.

But I did end up with the best family anybody could ask for.

A soft knock at the bedroom door pulls me out of my thoughts.  

"Come in." Jake's morning voice calls out. I smile when Lili walks through. She sits on the end of the bed Indian style and clears her throat.  

"Are you nervous?" I ask. She nods a bit and doesn't meet my eyes.  

"What's wrong?" I start panicking, she's never in her life been this quiet.  

"I don't think I should go through with it." Her voice comes out in a broken whisper.  

"What?!" Jake and I yell at the same time. I'm shaking at her confession. I thought she was so sure this is what she wanted, and now I don't even understand. It's quiet as Lili's shoulders shake with her silent sobs. I motion for her to climb under the covers, and soon her 5 foot 3 inch frame is in bed, just like she used to do when she was younger.  

"I just don't want to be like Grandma and Grandpa." I sigh and hug her. She's talking about Jake's parents of course.  

"Honey, look at your mother and I," Jake motions between the two of us, "we've been married for almost 22 years now. And we're happy. You and Greyson have known each other for forever, you'll be perfectly fine. I trust him enough to marry of my only daughter to him, that's very important." My daughter nodded and stared at us in awe.  

"How'd you do it?"  

"It was hard, I'm not going to lie," I start, "but at the end of the day, it was worth it. And if it's not, then you aren't in the right relationship. You've just got to find somebody and know they have flaws, but love them regardless for them." I make eye contact with Jake through my whole mini speech and his lips turn up into a smile.  

"Don't go to bed angry. It might seem like it's not that big of a deal, but if you let it sit there, and you do nothing about it, you'll get angrier and angrier and then you'll blow up." I nod along with my husband. It's amazing that after 22 years, I still get butterflies every time I look at him. Lili is quiet as she takes in the conversation.  

"Is there a specific reason you don't want to marry him?" I ask. She shakes her head no.  

"Just cold feet I guess." She shrugs and kisses us both as another person knocks on the bedroom door.

"Okay, nobody panic, but Liliana isn't in her bed." My mom walks in and stops when she sees the girl laying in her bed. 

"I'm right here Grandma!" Lili gets up and leaves to get ready. I turn to Jake as the door closes.  

"Am I allowed to get up and get ready now?" I laugh when Jake shakes his head no. He kisses me then lets me go get ready.  



I knock on the door to Lili's dressing room and walk in. She straightens out her dress before turning towards me.  

"Dad, are you crying?" Lili's voice holds shock. I touch my face, and sure enough it's wet.  

"Huh. I guess I am." I tell her, laughing. I hold out my arm as her bridesmaids walk out in front of her. The familiar charm sounds in the song and I hook arms with my only daughter. People in the pews are standing up and I remember what it was like to be standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for the prettiest girl ever to meet you there.

I make eye contact with my wife and wink. Her cheeks turn a shade of pink and she goes back to watching Lili's reaction. We get to where Greyson is standing and I gently hand Lili's hand to him and go back to sit with Ellie. She grabs my hand and I rub my nose with the other one, ignoring the tears threatening to come out of my eyes.


I hear Jake sniffing, and turn to see his eyes looking red. I smile to myself and go back to watching Lili and Greyson.  

"I do." Greyson's voice rings out, sounding the most sure of anything he ever has in his whole life.  

"I do." Lili's voice breaks and she blushes, blinking away the tears. I laugh to myself. I wonder if that's what I looked like.  

"She looks exactly like you did." Jake whispers into my ear, answering my thoughts.  

"She looks beautiful."  

"And so did you." I smile at his answer.  

"We made that."  

"Amazing isn't she?" I nod and watch Lili and Greyson run back down the aisle, running head first into their own forever while I continue on with mine.


i'm sorry the ending is so short, but grown up Lili to the side( i hope.) 

for officially the last time, 






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