Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen! YAY! Cher Lloyd(Ellie) in the sidebar.  





Jake's mom takes in a shaky breath and turns to us.  

"Sorry." She murmurs. It's quiet and the silence echos around us, pounding on my ears.  

"Jake, would you mind doing the dishes? I'll show Ellie to her room." She whispers. Jake shoots me a worried look but I just nod and follow his mom out of the dining room.

I shut the door quietly behind us and she collapses on my bed, tears rushing down her face.  

"C-k--Mrs.Martin." This would be one of the times I needed to know her name. 

"Cheryl, dear." She whispered. 


"Cheryl, what's wrong?" 

"my husband won't sign the divorce papers, so he just barges in whenever he wants to, scares the living daylights out of me." I wrap my arms around her in what I hope is a comforting hug.

Her tears dribble down in to my collarbone, and it itches and tickles. I want to wipe it off but figure that'd be rude. She pulls back finally and closes her eyes to wipe at the tears. I take that as my cue to wipe at my neck and collarbone.

"You were so brave out there, you didn't let him know you were afraid, I'll be the only one who knows. I'm so proud of you. Jake would be to. You're an amazing person. You let me stay here, barely knowing me, just knowing I was carrying your sons baby. You accepted us when nobody else did. You're gorgeous, and any man would be lucky to have you. Marcus just doesn't know it yet. Change the locks, make sure the doors are locked at all times. You'll be okay, I promise." She nods, getting up. I study her. You wouldn't know she'd been crying and I wonder how long she's been keeping it a secret from Jake.  

"Thanks Honey." She kisses the top of my head, walking out of my room. Two seconds later Jake swoops in, interrogating me.  

"Was she crying?"  

"Were you eavesdropping?!"  

"She is my mother!"  

"If she wanted you to know she'd tell you. I'm going to bed."

I look over to the clock and notice it's only 5:30.  

"I'm unpacking." I correct myself. Jake rolls his eyes. 

"So that you can do?" Sarcasm evident in his voice.  

"Yes, clothes aren't heavy. Get out." His eyes widen. 

"You're kicking me out of my own room?"  

"This isn't your room!" 

"Is too, it's the guest room, which is now mine."  

"She has a point." Cheryl shouts. I giggle and Jake walks out, pouting.

I turn to the pile of boxes, mentally groaning. I opened the first box, named books. I drag it over to the large bookshelf and start shoving them in there carefully. I can barely reach the top shelf but I manage perfectly fine by myself. I shove the box over to the side. I grab another one. This one is titled clothing, along with 10 other boxes. I drag it over to the rather large walk in closet. I smirk to myself. This will do just fine. I hesitate hanging up my clothes. I mean, I know I should. But I hardly fit in them.  

I was so deep in thought I didn't even hear Jake approach me. 

"Whatcha thinking about?" I jump, swatting him with the shirt I had in my hand.  

"You scared me!" I squealed. "I'm wondering if I should even hang up my clothes." I tell him. He raises an eyebrow. Men.  

"I'm out growing them." I motion to my stomach.  

"Ohhh." I nod, sarcastically.  

"We can go shopping tomorrow." He tells me, I nod, yawning. 

"Alright, time for bed." He tucks me in, kissing me goodnight.  

"I love you." He whispers against my lips.  

"I love you too." I tell him as he closes the door.

And just like that, the fights are forgotten. 

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