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We all ate on the couch and the boys are through all their food so fast. "Babe, are you going to eat that?" Bucky asked with a stuffed mouth at my second pancake that I never got around to eating. "Here Buck" I said and slid it over to him.

"I don't understand how you can eat that many pancakes" I said. "I could still eat about ten more" Bucky said. "That means that the portions I've been giving you are starving you!" I said. "Why didn't you just tell me to make more food or buy more?" I asked. "Oh I haven't been starving, I come back down in the middle of the night and eat while you're sleeping" he said.

"Yeah sometimes he comes over my place and we eat" Steve said. "Hold up, you are so hungry that you both meet up at night?" I asked.

"Yeah, we did in Tony's mansion, and at the hotel, we did it the first night here" Steve added. "I feel so guilty for not feeding you Bucky" I said and he laughed. "It's okay" he said and kissed my cheek.

"I can't believe I didn't even know about this" I laughed. They really are to connected. "Well then, you guys hang out, I'm going to go buy a ton of food, because I fee like I've been starving you both" I said and Bucky and Steve started laughing again.

"When will you be home, just so I don't freak out?" Bucky asked with a serious face. "An hour and a half, the latest maybe two hours" I said and he grabbed me and kissed me very deeply.

"Be careful, and come home" he whispered while leaning his forehead against mine. "I will" I said and he kissed me again and I still felt the butterflies I felt the first time.

You probably feel as if he's acting very over protective, but this was the first time we haven't been together out in public for a long time after what we've been though and it's a huge step for him to let me go out alone, not that I love having him around me, because I do. I'm just happy he's feeling safer with the world


Nothing happened at the store except I spent over 250$ on food! I made sure to get a ton for Bucky and Steve and brought up some of the bags, I knocked on the door with my foot because my hands were full and Steve opened up.

"She's back!" He shouted to Bucky, "there are more bags in the car, be careful with the eggs" I said and he nodded. Bucky walked out and had a smile. "So what did you guys talk about earlier? I didn't want to ask because Steve was around."

"No he was just wondering if I was mad and we talked about Peggy, he opened up a bit. He apologized to then I did for swearing at him" he said. "I was just curious, he stopped over before you woke and we talked to" I said and he nodded.

"Now go help grab groceries" I said and he walked out. I started unpacking everything and Steve walked up with more bags. "We should all go out tonight, I want to spend time with you both" he said and I smiled. "Yeah, I'll need to shower so could we go out for lunch?" I asked.

"I hear we're all going out for lunch?" Bucky asked, "yeah, any ideas as to where?" I asked. "We should go to that diner where you said there was a waitress you liked" Bucky told Steve and he blushed. "I don't know guys, will you embarrass me?" He asked.

"We promise we won't." Bucky said and draped an arm around my shoulders. "Okay, so dress nice, but not like you're trying and don't say anything embarrassing or do anything, and don't bring Peggy up, I'm finally moving on" he said and we nodded.

"We can all take my car" I said and he nodded. "Please guys, she's important" he said and I nodded.

"So you guys go do whatever you want, I'm going to shower, but could you both put away the groceries, thanks" I said before they could argue.

I walked into the bathroom and took a good 15 minute shower where I shaved, washed my hair, face, I felt so clean. Then I got out and brushed my hair and teeth. I then changed into a long sleeved grey knit sweater and dark/navy blue skinny jeans. My hair was very long by now, it was almost to my waist so I made a mental note to get it cut soon.

I then put it up into a pony tail and did my makeup. Nothing to big just some lipgloss, some mascara and some eyeshadow. It was comforting to have the time to do this, j haven't in so long.

I walked out of the bathroom and Bucky's jaw dropped to the floor. "You look amazing" he said. "But really you look perfect all the time to me" he said and I blushed.

I sat down next to Bucky on the couch and swung my legs over on top of him. He started playing with them and Steve was fiddling with his thumbs.

"So I have a question" I said and they both turned to me.

"Say you two started fighting, who would win? Bucky has the arm and the superhuman steroid but so does Steve"I said and they both thought hard for a second.

"I say me, I'm hyped up on that shit." Bucky said and I laughed. "No but seriously everytime I was defrosted I was given a dose of it" he said. "Yeah but I was given the more powerful stuff you were given a replica but it still isn't the same" Steve smiled.

"Sure okay, but I have a metal arm" Bucky said and looked at me. "Does that answer your question?" He smirked.

"Yeah I guess so"

Civil War: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now