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I woke up with red puffy eyes and tears stained my cheeks. I washed my face in my bathroom and tried to fix it.

I had changed into skinny jeans and a black right tank top and I put my hair up because it was so hot outside.

I drive to the house and sat in the driveway for a good ten minutes before actually getting out. I have very low self esteem right now and no confidence at all, I don't want to be around Bucky while he's mad at me because I feel bad I did all those things, but I couldn't help it, one of the of my reasons I did this was because I was promised the protection of Bucky and Steve.

I knocked on the door and Steve opened up. "Good morning" he said and let me in. Bucky and Steve were both standing at the door waiting for me to say something. "You guys should bring another set of clothes, it's hot out" I said.

Steve walked out of the room but Bucky came up to me and grabbed my arm carefully but with force. He looked at the scar and back up to me. "I don't remember you having this before?" Shit, I totally forgot about them not knowing.

"It's nothing, I've always had this" I said a little to quickly. "Don't make me hate you anymore by lying to me right now" he said and let go of my arm.

"It's nothing that concerns you" I said and regretted it and then he stepped closer. "Sorry I actually care enough to check up on you, unlike someone I know" he said and leaned in closer. His eyes looked dead, he looked like he wanted to crush me in his metal arm right now.

I would do anything to be able to kiss him right now.

"Let me tell you why Bucky, let me tell you why I had to leave you for so long, I couldn't tell you until now, so please Buck" I said and he stepped back.

"Nothing you say can ever make me forget that you left for five months Kyla, nothing, I don't even want to know why you left me without any explanation, you could've told me, but you chose not to. Steve knew, but not me, I'll be in the car"

This was all my fault. "What's wrong?" Steve asked. "Hmm, other than the fact Bucky hates me?"

"He will forgive you just give him time" he said and practically dragged me to the car. The ride was very quiet and awkward again and I felt like a stranger compared to their close relationship, I was supposed to be that close to Bucky

We were supposed to be the best couple out there, we were supposed to be more than this, but the only person I can blame is myself.

We were on the edge of New York now where we headed into a small underground base. "You guys can train in here," I said and showed them the area. "Wanda Sam and Clint will be here soon to train, Natasha is officially on Stark's team" I said and put my hands in my pocket.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom" Steve said and left, leaving me alone with Bucky again.

I took out my phone and tried to stall. I looked at Bucky and he was starring at me, "We're you even sick?" He asked. "Bucky I wouldn't lie about that, yes I was sick" I said and he started getting louder.

"You seemed to lie about everything else!" He said. "I had to do it! Do you want to know why I had to leave you for five months?! It was because I had to protect you, I woke up all alone, and the reason everyone was targeting me because I was your blind side. I'm the reason you slow down and people noticed. I've been gone is because,..." I was about to tell him when he cut me off.

"You know I can handle myself, you woke up alone because you chose to leave me. Whatever we had is all gone. And it's all because you ruined us." I as holding back tears and about to break down but he was fine, he was standing there with his arms crossed starring me down.

"I'm sorry" I said and ran out of the room. I ran down the long hallway and straight to the car. I hoped in and started it up and just drove. I was a good three blocks away when my phone rang.

I picked it up and heard heaving breathing. "What Steve?" I asked with attitude and heard him sigh. "Why'd you leave us? Kyla we just got you back, Bucky will warm up to you just-"

"No, he doesn't miss me and he won't ever, he made it very clear, I don't want him to be unhappy around me it's better off I go, I have unfinished business I need to take care of. I'll send a car for you and Bucky"

"No you won't, you'll come home to me, you will come back and stay with us, Bucky might not admit it but he still needs you"

I wiped away my tears and smiled. "It's nice you're not mad at me" I said and he laughed. "I know what it's like to go off the grid, you did it for a good reason and I'm grateful, come home"

I turned the car around and started driving home. "I'll come back, but I'm only training for a few minutes" I said and hung up.

Bucky was the only reason I'm still here, he's my one reason to fight.

Civil War: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now