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"Where is everyone? And what time is it?" I asked. "Everyone else is just around the building, we're still at Stark's place. "It's 7:00 so you've been asleep since like 11:00 now. How are you feeling?" He asked and I swung my legs off the bed. "I feel better, but I'm starving, do you want to go eat something?" I asked and he nodded. He was watching me carefully as I walked and holding an arm out behind me incase I fell. My legs felt weird but I was okay, I just wanted to get out of here and not run into Stark. "Why didn't they kill me?" I asked and he shrugged. "I'm not sure, but it's okay, Natasha is watching what's happening right now through a camera. The police are raiding our room," he said.

"Thank you, for pushing me out of the way when they first came onto us" I said and he was smiling again. "No problem" he said and pushed some hair behind his ear. We had walked to the living room and Steve and Natasha were watching the news and pacing around the room together

"Look who's awake!" Sam said and hugged me. I hugged him back and Steve and Nat came over and they all squished me. "What are you guys doing? It's not like I died." I said and they got off me. "What are we going to do now?" I asked and looked at Steve. He looked at me, then at Bucky. "You two are being put into another hideout" he whispered and I was happy about it but what about Sam and himself? What were they going to do?

"What about you? And Sam?" I asked. "Don't worry about us, once we leave this tower I will tell you the plan"

"When are we leaving?" I asked. "Right now, if you want" Steve asked me and Bucky. I looked back to him and he nodded. "Let's go then" I said and we heard footsteps, "why leaving so soon?" Tony asked and smiled at us. Bucky stood in front of me and still held onto me incase I fainted. "Guys, we haven't talked at all" he said. "Then talk" I said.

Bucky turned around and faced me, he glared at me in a way, that I knew he didn't want me to stay any longer, he wanted to leave. "Tony, I'm going to cut to the point, we know you did it, but why?" I asked. "I won't lie to you, I did do it, but only for the safety of the people, we have to have limits or were just as bad as the villains" he said and Bucky stepped forward. "That's not the way I see it" he said.

"Of coarse, because you are the villain" Tony said and o stepped forward. "Watch it Tony" I said. "You know what Kyla, no. He also killed my parents! How could he,and almost get away with it to? What's wrong with him?"

"Oh even if he did Tony get over it, all put parents are dead and we don't call the police to come and kill you!" I yelled and he stepped forward. "You barely had any family to begin with so we see how that went for you" he said and I lost it. I wanted to strangle this man, "Says the man who was raised by his Mexican nanny" I said.

"You're just a misfit who didn't have any family so chose to kill for fun" he said. "Tony, I joined shield to protect families" I said. "And that's he difference between us, I protect others, and you?" I started but he cut me off

"Does anyone here not remember the gigantic worm hole 400 feet above us?" He said and I was so pissed he always brought this up. "If any of us had metal suits that could fly, we all would've done it, and get over it it was 4 years ago" I said.

"Kyla" Bucky said and grabbed me. I turned to him and stepped closer. "He's being an asshole to you" I said. "Well he is being one to you as well" he said. "Tony, from he bottom of my heart, I can tell you to burn in hell!" I said and we started to walk out of the building.

"Kyla you were on fire in there, why were you so upset?" Steve asked, "he insulted Bucky" I said and Bucky wrapped an arm around me while we were going down the elevator and I hugged him back. "Bucky you're a great hugger" I said quietly to him and he squeezed me a little tighter.

"So are you Ky" he said and let go. Steve was red in the face and I didn't know why. Natasha was being very quiet in the corner and watching Steve. "Could we get something to eat, I'm starving" I said and we heard Jarvis speak "Tony is giving you 50 hours of freedom before he starts tracking you and warn the police so use the time wisely." It said, I looked to the camera and felt like crying and throwing up at he same time

"Tony after everything, I really thought you had changed and I believed it for some time, but I was wrong" I said and the doors opened and we all walked out. Nat gave me sunglasses and I put them on and looked at Bucky. His metal hand was showing and he didn't have pockets so I handed him my black gloves that were just in my pocket. They were all black so anyone could wear them and he quickly put them on. "Thanks" he said and leaned against me, trying to protect me. His metal arm was on my back and he was guiding me brought the crowd.

"Where do you guys want to eat?" Steve asked and took out his wallet. "I have 45$ on me" he said. "There is a buffet up the street with an atm there to, so I can take out some money for the trip and we can just relax for a bit. " I said and Bucky's warm breathe tickled my ear against the cold air. I started to shiver a little and Bucky noticed. "I would give you my coat Kyla, but my arm would show, maybe just snug closer to me" he said and I leaned on his side and he wrapped an arm around me. "How cute" Natasha said while she shivered. I smiled at her and blushed a little.

"You're a real gentleman" I said to Bucky and he smiled. His nose was a shade of pink form the cold. As well as his cheeks and his hair was blowing around his face but he still kept watching me.


I was sitting in between Sam and Natasha, squashed in between them in the booth while Steve and Bucky had all the room in the world. "So it's time we talked about this situation" Sam said.

"I agree"

Civil War: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now