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I got home and made Bucky and I homemade pizza and waited for him to come home to our penthouse. Stark bought it for us and paid the bills off for the next 60 years.

It was very safe and sturdy. Peter had become a member of Shield and was very important to us. He was climbing the ranks quickly which was good for him.

Bucky opened the front door with his shield and smiled when he saw me. "I smell something delicious" he said and I hugged him.

We both ate and talked about how much Steve would've loved this all.

Later I took out the note. "What's that?" He asked and I opened it. "A letter from Steve, it was in his apartment, I haven't opened it yet because I wanted you by my side." I said and he pulled me onto his lap on the couch. "Let's do this" I mumbled and opened it up carefully

Dear Kyla,

I'm only writing this letter because we live very dangerous lives and Im always in constant fear of dying. So you're the only person I trust right now, besides Bucky, so I'm writing you a letter.

So far, you've helped me get Bucky back and take down a lot of Hydra bases looking for him and I owe you the biggest thank you. Without you, I never wouldn't gotten this far. And I don't know why you did it, I couldn't offer you anything in return, so I discovered it was because you had such a big heart.

Thank you so much for that, you always supported me. And I support you in anything you do.

Before you left with Bucky to go to that secret base. He asked me if he could make a move o you. I said yes because I realized you two deserve each other and when you guys came back you were super close and dating.

I'm so happy and I want him to become the next Captain America if I go early, and you are going to be the next big Superhero.  Ms. Marvel. Once you find this note Tony has all the uniforms and shields and everything set up. But I figured you needed a superhero name because you were a superhero to me.

I love you, I love Bucky and I love both of you together. So just take care of the world and be fair, think before you do something stupid, like would Steve do this?" If not, you probably shouldn't do it.

Also remember that Hydra needs to be shut down for good. But other than that j trust you and Bucky with it all so please, stay together.

Love you,
Steve Rogers

Bucky touched my face and wiped away a few tears that I didn't know I had let out. "Babe, it's okay" he said and hugged me.

"Did you know about this?" I asked referring to the superhero. "No," he said and I hugged him.
"It's all okay" he said and pulled me closer and kissed my head.

"Do you want to go on a walk, and clear your head?" He asked and I nodded. He helped me get my coat and shoes and we started to walk to Central Park.

Bucky kissed me quick and squeezed my hand. "I love you" he said and I said it back. "I love you Bucky Barnes" he blushed when I said this.

"Did I make you blush?" I said and he grew even redder. "It's just I'm nothing compared to you, you're way out of my league, how did I end up with you?"

"Bucky you're way out of my league, and we ended up together after I almost killed you with a chair, again, I'm so sorry for that" I said and he looked down to me, he was so gorgeous right now with the wind blowing through his hair.

"How could I forget that? And again, you're forgiven" he said and stopped walking.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, through all my 100 years of being on this Earth, you're the best. From the minute I saw you, I knew I loved you and I tried telling you so many times but life got in the way. Then once you left, I still missed you and never stopped thinking about you. I love everything about you, your laugh, your smile, the way you cry over the little cheesy things I do for you, the way you care for everyone before yourself, your bravery and positive outlook on everything.

My point, I don't want to go on in life without being able to call you my wife....." He said and kneeled down.

I was crying tears of joy right now and he pulled out a beautiful ring.

"Kyla, will you marry me?"

He looked at me like I'd say no, I couldn't talk because I was crying so I nodded and managed to choke out a yes.

He slipped the ring on my finger and we kissed. He then picked me up and spin me. I then wrapped my hands around his neck and put one in his hair.

I pulled him towards me and kissed him again and again.

"I love you more than you can ever imagine" he said and I blushed. "I love you so much Bucky, more than anyone in this world, you're my everything" I said and a tear fell down from his eye.

I wiped it away and decided not to make fun of him, that much.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because I can't believe I'm getting married to you Kyla, I'm getting married to Kyla Reid!" He shouted and stood up on the park benches

"And I want everyone to know it!"

Civil War: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now