magcon: day 3

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I wake up and hear some people jumping around and screaming. I scrunch my eyebrows together and open my eyes, becoming face to face with Cameron.

"Cameron!" I jump up, my hand over my heart.

"What did you do?" Shawn raises his eyebrows at him and shakes his head.

"Nothing. I was just laying down." Cam laughs and sits up.

"I'm going to sing the Cameron Dallas song." Shawn wiggles his eyebrows and grabs his guitar.

I roll my eyes and grab my phone, ignoring everyone else in the room. It's 9:00. "Fuck." I jump off the bed and run into the bathroom, crashing into Taylor. 

"Woah. Calm down there, Paisley." He laughs.

"Sorry Taylor. I just gotta get ready." I shove him out and quickly start putting makeup on and brushing my hair.

Yesterday during dinner, I made sure to call Stanford and ask for a tour of the campus today. They knew who I was after they checked the incoming freshmen and set one up for 12. It's just going to take awhile to get there. I have to take another plane and get an uber to drive me to Stanford from San Francisco. I'm also stuck taking Brad with me. I don't even know why he wants to come in the first place to be honest.

There's a knock on the door so I swiftly reach to open it and grin when I see Mahogany with some clothes in her hands. 

"I took the liberty of picking out your outfit. I promise you'll look nerdy." She laughs and hands them over to me.

"Thanks, LOX. I love you." I wink and shut the door, quickly changing into the jean capris and light blue button down. I find my sperrys on the floor and slip into them, walking out of the bathroom and running over to get my phone.

"Where ya going looking so spiffy?" Matt smirks.

"She's going for a tour of Stanford." Shawn answers, writing something down on a pad of paper.

"Like the college?" Aaron asks, looking confused.

"Yes, I gotta go. Bye!" I wave and open the door until someone wraps their arms around me from behind, lightly kissing my neck.

"Have fun." Shawn murmurs in my ear.

"Are they speaking some sort of sex language." Taylor yells, causing Shawn to roll his eyes and flip him off.

"I will try." I smile and walk out, making my way to Brad's room. I knock once and the door swings open, revealing Brad walking towards me. He's wearing khakis and a blue button down, plus a tie.

"Guess we're twinning." Brad grins and shuts the door behind him.

"Guess so." I shake my head and get into the elevator with him trailing behind.

"You look too nerdy. Give them a little spunk." 

I turn to him and frown. "How?"

"Here." He reaches over and unbuttons the top 3 buttons and squints his eyes when he pulls away. "Yep, definitely sexier."

"Shut up." I roll my eyes and push him, walking out when the elevator reaches the lobby and striding past all of the fans. I just wave to the ones who recognize us and go to call for an uber.

"No need." Brad winks and walks to a car waiting a bit further up.

"Okay." I shrug and follow, getting in and watching the buildings until we get to the airport.

"Thanks." Brad waves to the driver when we get out and walks into the airport.

It takes us a few minutes to go through security and everything, getting questioned when they notice we don't have any bags. We finally get to our gate half an hour later and are just waiting for board.

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