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Brad and I are currently walking to the club the guys said they were at. I had texted them when I was done getting ready so I could meet them. Shawn hadn't replied, like always. I didn't do anything to him so I don't know what's up.

We walk into the loud club, multi-colored lights flashing everywhere. I search for the guys and notice Cameron leaning against the bar. I walk towards him when Brad taps my shoulder.

"Do you mind if I take off?" He points to some girls sitting down in the corner.

I roll my eyes. "See you later." He smirks and walks over towards them I shake my head and smile at Cameron when I reach him.

"You actually came." He laughs.

"Of course. I just got caught up in the shoot. Why are we even out on the first day, anyways? I raise my eyebrows.

"We party hard." Cameron chuckles. "Let's go show the others you're here." He takes my hand and weaves me through a crowd to where some of them are jumping around. I see the Jacks and Nash, just not Shawn.

Nash runs to me and hugs me, catching me off guard. "You're here!"

"Yeah." I awkwardly laugh and look around again.

"You look gorgeous, as always." Jack G winks beside him.

I blush a bit before thanking him. I'm just worried as to where Shawn is. We're practically always together.

"You're wondering where Shawn is." Jack J snaps me out of my thoughts.


"Shawn." He repeats.

"Yeah." I nod and stand on my toes, trying to look over people's heads.

"Come with me. I think he was getting food." Nash pulls me with him and I see Brad flirting with a girl that looks our age. I smirk and stop when I see a girl making out with someone else. Why do people do that? Like, it's called a room.

"I don't see him. We should go-." My breath catches when the two making out pulls away, revealing Shawn's face.

"Uh." Nash coughs and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"We're not dating. It's cool." I swallow and look down.

"I'm not an idiot. I know what goes on between you two." He stands in front of me, blocking the view.

"Can you take me back to the hotel?" I bite my lip.

"Yeah." He turns away, just as the girl pulls Shawn with her. He's smiling. Fucking smiling. She slips past me, muttering a 'sorry'. He bumps into me, looking up to say sorry as well, only stopping and opening his mouth to say something. I simply shake my head and pull Nash to the doors, leaving Shawn staring after me.

"I don't like him." I mutter to myself as we're walking back.

"Just accept it. I'm sure he'd understand." Nash shrugs.

"He was going to go do stuff with that girl, Nash. He obviously doesn't feel the same."

"You don't know that."

"I've known him forever. I think I do." I close my eyes and wrap my arms around my bare arms.

"Do you think he'd come after you?" Nash smiles a bit.

"Nope. He's probably having so much fun in there right now." I take out my phone and check the time; 10:30.

"Pais." I stop when I hear his voice, making me swallow more so I don't cry.

"I'll be with the others inside." Nash hurries into the hotel, leaving us alone.

"I didn't think you were coming." He starts, walking towards me.

Empty Promises // s.m.Where stories live. Discover now