Chapter 1

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Notes: I have been thinking about writing this for a while now. I'm really excited to share this with you guys. Reviews are most definitely welcome, they keep me motivated. This is a yaoi/ai story. If you don't know what yaoi is then it is boy x boy pairings. In this case Sasuke x Naruto. Also I don't know if I will do yaoi scenes. I might if I'm feeling courageous, but we will see. And if you are reading this wanting them to get together immediately then this story isn't for you. I like to make the relationships as natural as possible. Anywho, I hope you like it. Feel free to review xD

Warnings: Boy on boy relationships, violence, language, possible sex scenes, abnormal vampires

Chapter 1

"You cant tell me that you actually think they are completely extinct." Sakura says crossing her arms.

"Of course they are. If they weren't then there would still be a hell of a lot of murders going on." Kiba rolls his eyes at the pink haired girls ignorance.

"Maybe they've changed." She persisted.

Kiba rolls his eyes and scoffs at her remark. "Yeah like that could happen. They are blood sucking assholes that only thought of themselves."

"That's so stereotypical of you Kiba. People change so why can't they?"

"Because they aren't people."

Sakura glares around at their group. "Not a single one of you believe they are still alive, do you?" Everyone casually looks away like they didn't hear her say a word. "Fine. Just keep this in mind. They were incredibly strong and faster than any human. There is no way that people killed them all off." Sakura walked further ahead of them all and into her classroom leaving the four of them alone.

"She's crazy for thinking they are still around, right Naruto?" Kiba says turning to his blond friend who couldn't look less interested in the conversation.

"Drop it Kiba." Shikamaru said in a lazy tone, like usual. Kiba looked as if he was going to say something but he stopped himself. There was no use arguing with Shikamaru. You will never win.

Naruto was currently staring at the white tiled floor as they walked. He liked to avoid the subject of vampires. He hated the thought of them. They only killed people. They never did any good for anyone. Naruto, in fact, despised them. He knew Sakura still thought that they were alive and she actually liked them, so that's why he kept his mouth shut about them around her. He respected her opinion, and he didn't want to say anything to upset her in any way.

Naruto looks up from his thoughts when he feels three pairs of eyes boring holes into him. He looks at all of them and gives them a confused look. "Did I miss something?"

"Well, kinda. I asked you if you were coming over to my house tonight or not."

Naruto smiles slightly at Kiba's question. "Sorry Kiba, I'd love to but I have to get home. I promised Kurama that I'd give him a walk when I got home. If you want you can bring Akamaru and come with us."

Kiba scrunched up his nose and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I would love to man, but my mom's got me going to my sister's boring recital."

"And you were going to drag me along so you wouldn't be the only bored one there, isn't that right?"

"Yeah pretty much." Kiba laughs looking away from Naruto and back to Shikamaru raising a brow. "Hey Shi-"

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