Chapter Four

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The next day Proffessor McGonagall had an announcement for all students. 

"Good Morning everyone, as you know Christmas is nearly upon us and therefore the Christmas dance."

As she mentioned this, everyone in the Great Hall began to groan. The Weasley Twins however, were dancing with each other and having the time of their life.

"Each year will prepare for this and practise once a day. The Gryfindor's in my year will join the Slyherins, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs in the Seventh floor near the Gryffindor common room. Fred and George shall join me as a punishment for getting caught in the room of requirment yesterday."

Draco rolled his eyes, and moaned as Hermione and Harry gave him a saracastic smile. He hated being near the Gryffindor area and let alone share a classroom with them.

"Well everyone, off you go now. Follow your prefects into your classroom." Proffessor McGonagall added while moationing them out the Hall. She then gathered the sixth year together, and started her way to the seventh floor. Everyone followed her like little lambs. 

Everyone was talking as they went up the stairs and Luna was talking to Harry about Nargles.

Draco was a couple of feet away from them and only looked at their conversation with disgust. He frowned everytime Harry made Luna giggle and smile.

Draco would have loved to take out his wand and make Harry suffer, but he held it in while still keeping his body tense. He had his fists tighltly clenched and his eyes were full of hatred.

Before, Draco didn't understand why he was feeling this way about Luna. What she had told him yesterday sent shivers down his spine and realised that he now didn't see Luna as a friend. Not that she was his friend in the first place, but he knew that now that could never be. He had feelings for her.

Draco refused to fight these feelings off anymore and was happily experiencing them.

Harry seemed fascinated with Luna's story and as they reached the rehearsal room, he asked Luna if he could be her partner.

Luna was flattered and her cheeks began to blush.

"That would be lovely." She mumbled with a smile.

Draco wasn't sure about what Harry had asked Luna that made her blush, but he sure didn't like it. And as Harry lead Luna inside the classroom, Draco began to feel something he hadn't felt before.

The feeling of jealousy.

The sixth year gathered around in a circle and Proffessor McGonagall stood in the middle.

"Thank you everyone. I hope you had enough time to discuss your partners and you are ready to start dancing."

Ron frowned when Proffessor McGonagall said the word "dancing" and his brothers only tickled him in the back and called him a "Wimpy Womp".

Hermione came to stand next to Ronald and looked at Fred and George with rage. The weasely twins gulped and when Hermione had turned her head, they mimicked her and made faces to one another.

"What do you want, Hermione?" Ron asked while rolling his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, I was coming over to ask you to be my partner." Fred and George both laughed when she said that and began tickling Ron again. "But you can forget about it now, I don't think I want to be your partner any more." She added.

Ron went red as a cherry, and only stuttered the words "you can be my partner if you want, you would be without anyone if I don't agree."

"I can assure you that, that won't be the case. I was only looking out for you. I doubt any girl in this room would want to dance with a wimpy womp." And again Fred and George laughed and tickled him again.

"Bloody hell, you guys should really stop doing that." Ron jumped to his feet and fired at them.

Harry stood opposite them with Luna. Draco was only a metre away. Draco knew he wouldn't be able to ask Luna to be his partner, as she was now Harry's. And if he did ask her, he would have only made a ridicule of himself.

Instead he clenched his fists even tighter and tried hard to keep calm. He refused to dance and refused to have a partner.

Draco went to the back of the classroom when Proffessor McGonagall told everyone to get in the centre and hold their partners hand.

He hated seeing Luna with Harry.

Luna was the first to hold Harry's hand. It sent tingles across her whole body from the connection and Harry realised. He looked down at their hands. His hand was curled around hers, almost like wings of a bird curled around its chick, protecting it's fragile figure.

Luna looked at Harry. Her eyes met his, almost admiringly. And smiled gently.

From the back of the classroom, Draco only watched with fury in his eyes. He cursed Harry under his breath.

But then an odd thought flickered his mind. I shall wait, Draco thought.

Draco would wait for her. For Luna. Until the world stopped tunring, he said underneath his breath. And as he accepted this new plan, he turned around letting them to their own and looking at Crabbe and Goyle attempt to tap dance.

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