Chapter Thirteen

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I loved your response on the last chapter. You guys are honestly AMAZING. I love reading your thoughts.


The next day during D.A.D.A Draco was absent. He didn't show up to his lesson and Proffessor Lupin was looking worried.

Proffessor Lupin thought Draco was left traumatised from the task last lesson that didn't even bother showing up. Proffessor Lupin was wrong.

Draco layed awake on the floor near the fire place in the Slytherin common room, staring at the ceiling. All that went through his mind was the regret of ever coming up to Luna. Regreting having feelings for her at all. Regreting kissing her. Regreting ever wanting her. Regreting ever wanting to make her his own.

The pain that ran through his body was unbearable and udescribable. His lungs felt as if they were compressed together making it unable to breathe.

Draco felt his whole world shatter before him. There was nothing he could do to fix it. Luna didn't feel the same way.

Draco moaned at trying to restrain the pain. But it was too great. He couldn't control it. His eyes felt dry and heavy eventhough he hadn't even shed a tear.

Eventhough the pain that Luna had caused Draco left a scar on him; he couldn't give up on her. Draco couldn't foget her. A part of him still wanted Luna.

The thing that Luna didn't know was that Draco didn't just like her. He loved her. Draco was utterly inlove with Luna.

He couldn't get over her that easily. He faught hard in trying to stop his feelings for her before, but after she had lead him on he just gave up in trying to fight them. Draco ejoyed the rush of emotions Luna spraked within him.

The tingles, the shivers, the excitement of seeing her beautiful face.

Draco groaned at the thought of her. He couldn't get Luna out of his head. He rolled to his side and stared deep into the fire.

Draco tried to concentrate on the flames and the colours they gave out, slowly trying to move away from thinking of Luna.

But Draco just couldn't. The thoughts rushed back invading his mind.

Quickly Draco jumped to his feet and stormed out the Slytherin common room. He was heading to the boys' toilet. He banged the door open and rushed to the sinks.

Draco opened the tap and let the water run for a few minutes. Staring at the water and the blue colour it reflected, reminded Draco of Luna's bright blue eyes.

The way her eyes made Draco feel alive. Made him feel calm. Just like the rushing waters of the ocean.

Another pain hit Draco across his chest making him drop straight to the floor. Draco moaned and yelled for the pain to stop. It was killing him.

Not once did Draco blame Luna for this, he blamed himslef. He refused to blame Luna. She was too delicate and precious to make her deal with this, he thought.

As Draco layed on the bathroom floor, he remembered the few words Luna had said to him twice. I beleive in you. What did she mean, he thought. Why would she say such thing and then apologise for it.

Luna, Luna, Luna. That was the only thing Draco thought about. With every thought, Draco felt a new scar form on his body. More pain. But he just couldn't stop thinking about her.

Draco suddenly heard footsteps approach the toilet. He was in too much pain to even stand up. The person was hesitating in enterining.

The person was being extrememly quiet. Almost trying to not make himslef known. But Draco heard.

After a few minutes the person came in and stood behind the entrance wall peeking inside.

It was Luna.

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