Chapter Eight

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Thanks again for your comments, and a big hello to all my new fans. I hope you're enjoying the story and are looking forward to the christmas dance. The dance will be in chapter nine, so hang on tight ;) what do you think will happen?


Later that evening, Draco was in the Slytherin common room thinking about the note he wrote to Luna. Draco wanted to burn it and forget about her completly, but a part of him still wanted to keep it.

There was no way Draco could give the note to Luna, since she had seen the note in his hand. I'll just burn it, he thought.

And so he did. As the flames ate through the paper and his words melted with it, he could only sit and stare at it with regret filling his thoughts. I should have just told her how I feel, he thought. But as he thought of a way to express the words he had just burnt, he fell asleep.

The days went by until it was the penultimate day before the christams dance. Rehearsals became easier on the students as they had already learnt the steps. Porffessor McGonagall was no longer stressing out in trying to make everyone enthusiastic and Fred and George were no longer getting on Proffessor McGonagall and Hermione's nerves.

Draco too, had began to speak to Padma. Although it wasn't an indepth conversation, and more of an argumentative one as Padma would tell him off whenever he took a step in the wrong direction or was too slow or too distracted. But at least sticking with his partner was already a brave move from Draco.

"Since you all now know your solo dance, we shall practice your group one instead." Proffessor McGonagall announced.

"Bloody hell, I can't even learn one dance and she already wants me to learn a new one." Ron complained to his brothers who were standing next to him.

"Get a grip of yourself Ronald." Hermione fired as she pinched his arm. Ron moaned.

"Why did you do that for?"

Hermione looked at him with frustration and turned her head, only to begin giggling at Ron's expression to herself.

"She's a nutter, she is." Ron continued complaining to his brothers as they were laughing and calling him a baby.

"Gather together everyone." Proffessor McGonagall called out.

Everyone began to make a circle around Proffessor McGonagall. Harry stayed close to Luna, as she smiled to herself. Draco noticed but didn't care. Draco stood next to Crabbe and Goyle leaving Padma by herself on the other side of the room.

"She's drving me completely mad." Draco told Crabbe about Padma and Goyle tapped him on the back. "Don't you dare touch me." He added, as he pulled Goyle's hand away.Goyle stepped to the side and gave him an apologetic look. Draco ignored him.

"Fred! George! Step forward." Proffessor McGonagall continued.

Fred and George both looked at each other and rolled their eyes. They both had their hands in their pockets and began to walk forward at a leisurly pace.

"Hurry up, you two!"

As they reached the centre, they looked around and then Fred took Proffessor McGonagall by the waist and spun her around lifiting her off her feet.

"Put me down." Proffessor McGonagall yelled. Fred put her down and gave her a smile. "You shall spend the rest of your free time with me." As she took a deep breath and got her blood pumping normally again she added. "Since you two have already had your christams dance when you were in your sixth year, you shall demonstrate the group dance to everyone."

Fred and George both groaned at first, but then started to tell everyone what to do.

"She just had to choose the Weasleys." Draco said aloud as Crabbe chuckled after him.

Fred and George made everyone stand in two lines. The boys were standing opposite the girls. Padma narrowed her eyes at Draco as he looked at her in disgust.

Harry came to stand next to Draco on his right and opposite him was of course Luna. Draco sighed at the sight of her but quickly turned away not trying to let anyone notice.

Luna, however, kept her eyes sealed on Harry. A small smile stayed on her face throughout.

"When the music begins, you shall all count till four and then step forward and take your partner's hand in yours." Fred cooed at all the boys when he said this.

Ron was embarrassed and frowned at Hermione who in return stuck her tongue out at him.

"You will then try and perform a similar dance to your solo's until the music hits its chorus and you have to switch both lanes and partners."

Everyone was confused and quickly looked to their side trying to see who they will have to switch partners with.

Draco couldn't beleive this was happening. It must be a joke, he thought. It was as if his thoughts have turned into reality and now he was going to have to face them.

"Let's practise it." George announced.

The music began and they all waited till someone made the first step forward. It was Harry who made the first step and took Luna's hand. Draco only frowned.

Soon everyone was performing a small solo dance with their partners.

"Alright. Now switch partners."

Harry looked at Draco knowing he would have to switch with him.

"Let's get it over and done with." Harry said as he took Draco's place. Draco would have loved to say something back to Harry or even curse him, but he was too busy admiring Luna.

He didn't know how to hold her. It was as if all the practise was forgotten. He suddenly became clueless. Luna waited for Draco to come forward.

Draco's heart was racing. As he held her hand a rush of tingles shot across his arm and a smile flickered over his face.

Draco took Luna closer. Her hand rested on his chest. He could feel her heartbeat against him. Draco tried to control his breathing, but he couldn't. His emotions were flying all over the place.

Her eyes layed on his. And the world around him dissapread.

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